Chapter 29

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I-I am alive...*laughs nervously*

I'll explain everything at the end of the chapter! *runs off to hide under my blanket*

Third person pov

Tsetseg took a day off today, as she wanted to spend more time with her brother. It had been a while since she had a proper conversation with him. Yeah, that was the only reason. Her decision did not involve the presence of a very flirty, shameless and... handsome man. Groaning, she tightened her grip around her jacket and entered into her father's photo studio.

I can't escape him...and neither my confusing feelings...she thought to herself. Perhaps, staying away from him for a day or two would sort out her complex and tangled emotions. Shi-Oh was someone really... important to her, someone dear. He was the person she had sworn to protect and hold on to. But now the context seemed a little tilted.

“Namsoon, what are you doing here?” her thoughts were interrupted by the familiar voice of her brother, who looked at her with a smile. She reciprocated the expression before approaching him.

“I came to see you. Let's hang out together, today,” she exclaimed, clasping her hands together with a beaming expression on her face. Nam-in's face also appeared to light up at the suggestion before he nodded vigorously. “Where's appa?”

“He went to spy on eomma-” his words halted in the middle as he bit his tongue in realisation, probably spilling something he wasn't supposed to. But the narrowed eyes of his sister made him gulp and he continued, “ see, he's just jealous and keeps muttering that eomma is going on dates with strange man. So...he decided to follow them today.”

“A strange man?” Tsetseg questioned with utmost curiosity, ignoring the childish antics of her father. She was more interested in the man that her mother had been seeing. Of course, she knew that her mother wasn't dating but she wasn't the one to mingle with men unnecessarily either. “Have you seen him?”

“No, but I have heard appa muttering his name or something? It was Bread Song...” Nam-in answered in an unsure tone, making her sigh in return. And she did not why, but a foreboding feeling slipped in her heart at the mention of the man.

“Forget it. Let's go and eat something tasty!” Tsetseg said with enthusiasm, raising her fist in the air, and making her brother reciprocate the action. They both laughed, before heading out of the studio and locking the door behind them. It was still afternoon, so lunch seemed like a great option.

She had her guard down, unable to catch on the pair of prying eyes observing the pair of siblings from a distance. The shadowy figure of a woman, received a confirmation text on her device from Beom, causing a malicious smirk to appear on her face. She whispered to herself, “Time to get back to work.”


“The food here was so tasty, I almost fainted,” Tsetseg gushed out to her equally impressed brother as they walked out of the underrated diner, hidden in the most unapproachable side of the town. She excitedly blurted out her thoughts, “Next time, I am gonna bring Shi-Oh here. He would definitely love it.”

“Ryu Shi-Oh? Is he your boyfriend now?” Nam-in interjected, causing the woman to look at him with reddened cheeks and wide eyes. Examining her expressions, he smiled mischievously, “Looks like he is. Why did you lie to eomma when she asked you? Are you scared that she won't accept him as her son-in-law?”

“Stop spewing out nonsense!” she exclaimed defensively, looking away from his scrutinizing gaze and speeding up her walk. “He's my really good friend, alright? Aren't friends allowed to hangout together? Can't they have meals together? He's not my...boyfriend.” Not yet, atleast.

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