Chapter 4

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Ryu Shi-Oh

Moonlight peeked through the large window of a penthouse into a contrastingly dark interior living room. The whole space was shrouded in a deafening silence, except the soft sound of breaths leaving from the man doing push-ups on the floor.

His muscled upper body was completely bare and devoid of clothing, flexing his strong built. While dark veins were wrapped around his neck like venomous snakes circling around their prey. Whole of his body levitated in the air, with only the strength provided by his bulky arms.

It was her once again, the one who had been occupying his mind since the day he first laid his eyes on her. Like little shattered pieces of glass, she had been deeply etched inside his mind, so cruelly that it almost bled. But he didn't seem to mind the pain, it was addictive, more than any drug in his system.

Was it her immeasurable strength, the way she managed to stop that gigantic aircraft with her tiny hands? Or perhaps the way she jumped into the river without a second thought, only to save a drowning person? What was it that drew him in like a moth to a flame? He was rather conflicted.

The only thing he knew was that she was a miracle. A miracle he desired ardently so. I will have her.

Getting back up on his feet, Shi-Oh walked towards the table situated on his left before grabbing a bottle filled with a blue liquid. He brought the lid to his plump lips and swallowed down the drug in a single breath. Detaching his mouth, he exhaled deeply while his mind replayed the face of a certain woman like a broken record.

He needed to find her soon, so that he could extinguish the fire ignited inside of him, or it might end up burning him to ashes. Her strength will be his, she will be his, no matter what the price would be. He was willing to spend every penny.

She must belong to me. He thought with a diabolical smirk taking over his lips.

Turning around, he grabbed his phone off the table, dialing the number of his secretary. It was picked up after three rings, Shi-Oh spoke, his deep voice coiled in a tinge of command, “I want you to find someone for me. Do not disappoint.”



It had been two days since Tsetseg was reunited with her family, she had met everyone including her father, grandmother and her twin brother. Everyone had been extremely sentimental and kind towards her, not leaving her side for a whole day.

Multiple stories had been shared between the family, including Tsetseg's days with her adoptive parents and how well they raised her. Hwang geum ju, her birth mother had immediately contacted her parents in Mongolia, expressing her immense gratitude for taking care of their daughter.

While it all felt like a warm hug, there were also some things that were hard to discuss. She was sad when she got to know about Hwa ja, the girl who pretended to be her for sometime in her absence. Instead of resentment, Tsetseg wondered about the circumstances that made her go this far.

Her mother also pitied while talking about that girl, her eyes still holding a fond look in them. Tsetseg could understand, after all Hwa ja did stay like a daughter to her eomma. It was not surprising to find her emotionally attached to the girl. Infact it was worrisome, the way she just disappeared out of their life.

But there was something else that made Namsoon feel out of place, as if she did not belong here. When she found out about the achievements of the women in her bloodline, about the achievements of her own mother and grandmother. An uninvited insecurity seized her heart, not deeming her worthy enough.

Because what was her worth as a woman of the Hwang bloodline? What were her achievements? She had nothing but the strength she had inherited from her mother. But was it enough to make her a part of this prestigious family?

Back in Mongolia, she was like a bird without a cage, someone without any expectations or reputation. And even though she had always dreamed of reuniting with her birth family, she never knew it would be more than just being a daughter, sister and grandchild.

Even though no one had expressed or forced their expectations on Tsetseg yet. However, after hearing about the great impact which the women in her bloodline had on society. She wondered how long she can remain with zero expectations or achievements. How was she supposed to fit in like that?

All of this overthinking had been occupying her mind since yesterday, maybe that's why she insisted on joining her mother to her meeting with some detectives. She had vague information about her mother teaming up with the police force to bring down a suspicious oraganizer and seller of synthetic drugs.

Now here she was, sitting beside her mother as the woman conversed with the team of detectives–which surprisingly included Gan hi-seek–about the drug dealer who disguised himself as a business in front of the world. To be honest Tsetseg had no interest in the topic, but she did pay attention once in awhile.

“We have decided to send one of our officer undercover, it seems like the only way to gather evidence for now,” a man from across the table spoke, pointing towards Hi-seek, who nodded in acknowledgement. “It will be risky to investigate it directly at the current moment.”

Hwang geum ju nodded in agreement turning to face, Gan hi-seek, “Detective Gan, we've met before. I am still very thankful for what you have done for me...I hope your mission turns out to be a success. While I'll work to gather information through some other means.”

Undercover? There was this strange voice echoing in the back of Tsetseg's mind, urging her to jump in to the conversation and take the chance to prove herself to her newfound family. It was an idiotic idea, it really was but she couldn't help herself from blurting out, “Eomma, would it be fine if I join him on the mission?”

Silence engulfed the room, as all the eyes landed on her while she only focused on her mother, awaiting a reply. Her mother turned towards her in surprise, but her eyes seemed to sparkle with pride. “Why do you suddenly want to join in, Namsoon-ah?”

Swallowing down her real embarrassing reply, she pulled up a smile, “I think it would be beneficial, for me to accompany him on this mission. I heard you mentioning how dangerous the situation was. My powers would be nothing but useless if I can't put them to good use.”

“Can you really handle it? It would be like putting yourself in the coffin willingly.” a voice, preferably belonging to Gan hi-seek questioned.

Narrowing her eyes on his teasing smile, she reciprocated his expression, “You can put the last nail in, if I were to die and vice-versa!” A few muffled laughs could be heard, piercing through the silence, while the certain detective zipped his mouth shut.

“Namsoon-ah, it's very brave of you consider this. I wouldn't be proud enough to have you as my daughter. I don't have any objection unless the detectives do,” her mother turned to face the various surprised faces, before one of them nodded in agreement.

“Well, Ms. Hwang geum ju, if you're daughter is willingly participating in the mission to help hi-seek then there's no objection from our side either...The only thing we ask of if the confidentiality of this conversation, or any information regarding this operation,” an older man explained in a calm voice.

And just like that, Tsetseg signed herself off to something which she didn't know would change her life in an unimaginable way. Her heartbeat picked up it's pace, as if indicating her of the upcoming disasters and cyclones in her life. She ignored it.

You can do it, Tsetseg. She reassured herself like always. Unaware of the fate awaiting her in all his dark glory.

A/N: ok this chapter was important to highlight the internal turmoil of namsoon as she felt disconnected with her family.

I tried to give a logical reasoning for her joining in the undercover mission, rather than just tagging along like it's a picnic 😭

And you got a glimpse of Ryu Shi-Oh's pov...

Also I have already planned out the climax of this story 🌝

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