Chapter 23

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They were at the Han river.

After suddenly showing up infront of her, Shi-Oh silently grabbed her hand and led her to his car. The whole car ride, none of them spoke to eachother, but it did not feel spiteful but rather comfortable. She knew that they needed to talk, but she held herself back until they reached their supposed destination by the river bank.

The air was a bit chilly around the body of water, while the city was sparkling amidst of the dark night. However, there was a whole riot of emotions going on inside of her head as she looked at the man standing infront of her. Without thinking she whispered, “Shi-Oh, I am sorry... please don't hate me...”

“Hate you? I could never,” his straightforward words, made her advert her gaze from the ground towards his face. He took a step closer to her, then his hands slipped into hers, holding both of them in a gentle grip, “Look me in the eyes...aren't they transparent enough for you to know?”

“Even if you betrayed me again, I wouldn't flinch...I wouldn't blame you...” he said with unwavering intensity, making her breath hitch. “Because in the end, it's you who I choose...with everything that you have to offer and with everything that you don't...”

“Do you think that I'll hurt you again?” Tsetseg asked, voice breaking due to the emotions clogging her throat. Her hands slightly shook in his grip, a familiar sadness aching in her chest.

Shi-Oh tightened his grip on her hands and pulled her slightly closer, before a warm smile appeared on his lips, “You don't understand, do you?...I am giving myself to you, completely, devotedly. My fate is in your hands, you're the only one who can either break me or heal me...that's the extent of my trust in you.”

Tsetseg looked at his solemn face and alluring eyes, she couldn't believe the words that had left his mouth. A certain determination emerged in her heart, and she said, “Then I'll protect you with everything that I have. I would never lie to you or deceive you again...I will keep you safe, Shi-Oh.”

“All I need is you to stay by my side. Will you do that for me, Tsetseg?” Shi-Oh asked, voice vulnerable beyond measure. At the moment, he stood there infront of her without any veil, completely bare. There was an desperation in his eyes, as he said those words.

“I will. I always keep my promises,” Tsetseg said with a small smile forming on her lips, causing the man infront of her to reciprocate the action. Then they just stared at eachother with unfathomable eyes, and beating hearts in the quiet night.

“Will you let go of my hands now?” Tsetseg asked playfully, to fill the strange silence inbetween them. It seemed to pull Shi-Oh out of his trance, causing him to tighten his grip on her hands, as if challenging her. She only rolled her eyes, thinking how he had seemed to forgotten about her super strength.

“I intend to keep holding them all night, please don't mind me,” he said in an equally playful tone, and then slowly brought her hands to his lips, before planting soft kisses on both of them. All while managing eye contact with her, as if conveying his emotions without words.

She cleared her throat before pulling them out of his grip, which he let go immediately. Turning to look at the river, she could still feel the touch of his lips on her skin. Shaking off her thoughts, she finally asked, “Shi-Oh, have you really cut all ties with Pavel?”

“It was inevitable...I have acquired Doogo legally while dissociating it from any illegal involvement. It's a direct challenge to Pavel,” he explained solemnly, eye staring the sparkling river in deep thought. “from  now on, my life is no better than a battlefield.”

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