Chapter 28

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This chapter will play with you guys' feelings 🤪

Something like this: ☺️🙂🤨😭🥺😶💜 then 🥺😚🤔😳😏🔥🙄

Third person pov

It was almost midnight when both of them finally decided to call it a night. But since it was so late, Shi-Oh insisted her to stay the night because she seemed tired. She wanted to protest but his expectant eyes won over her dilemma and she agreed. He gave her the room, which was right beside his. Literally acting like high class hotel service, as she literally had to push him out of the room.

Tsetseg found it hard to fall asleep at new and unknown places, but somehow the feeling of Shi-Oh being nea, gave her a sense of security. It was strange how easily she fell asleep, even though it was her first time at his house. Everything about the room was comfortable, from the cozy interior to the soft bed. And not to mention the dim but beautiful lighting.

Around three in the morning, Shi-Oh's heartbeat picked up while his breathing became ragged. He was back at the lake, as the chilly air arose goosebumps on his skin, while his instructor and his friends mocked and laughed at him. Boris, approached him with a malicious smile holding the same camera in his hand, filming his misery. The men behind him hooted in encouragement, encouragement to torment the boy further.

I do-n't know how to swim, instructor,” Anton whispered, trying to make his instructor remember. But he didn't seem to stop, until the boy was standing deathly close to the edge of the lake.

“I know, I never taught you... That's why we're here today. For a swimming lesson.” this time Anton recognised the pure mirth in Boris' voice. He didn't forgot, he wanted to punish Anton for being a loser.

“Please..I am so-rry. I'll work har-der time. I won't lose!” Anton pleaded, his eyes started to burn while his body shivered with a familiar fear. Fear of dying...Fear of not being able to see something shiny.

“Hmm, do you guys think we should forgive him?” Boris turned to look at his friends, who nodded in agreement. But Anton's innocent eyes failed to see the malice hidden in there eyes.

Watching his instructor back off, and turn around with his camera, he released a breath of relief...But his relief was crumbled with cruelly the very next second, when he felt a strong force landing on top of his ribs.

His body went flying into the lake, leaving a dull ache in his upper body, as he collided with the water in a harsh impact. For a second, he felt completely breathless while his mind seemed to froze. He could only hear a distant string of laughter, as his body struggled to stay afloat.

Tsetseg groaned in her sleep, as the sound of quiet sniffles and incoherent sentences reached her ear. It was her super hearing, she blinked open her eyes at the strange happening. Becasuse her subconscious mind did not operate her super hearing while she slept. Then, why was she hearing voices in the middle of the night. Another series of protests, and she sat rigid on her bed after hearing the familiar voice.

Her neck turned towards the wall, which separated her and Shi-Oh's room, and she froze at the realisation. Hastily throwing away her blanket, she got out of the bed, running towards her door in a frantic haze. Shi-Oh was having a nightmare...

Anton could feel his limbs slowly giving up, his whole body ached in unbearable pain. There was no ounce of strength left in his bones and muscles, halting his last attempts at survival. After a few seconds, he could feel the cold taking over his body, as his movements completely halted. His body submerged in the chilly water slowly...

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