Chapter 30

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Umm you guys are about to see your man's dark side. So buckle up cuties.

Don't run away scared.

Trigger warning— our man murdering multiple people in a single night, loooong chapter ahead.

Play — Copycat by Billie Eilish, Don't blame me by Taylor Swift and at the end play something really sweet and romantic...

Third person pov

A cruel smirk appeared on Shi-Oh's face, as he lifted the woman higher by her throat, causing her to gasp for air. She incoherently pleaded for mercy, making him chuckle in delight, “Come on, Miyo. I thought we were friends when we met the last time. Yet here you are backstabbing me without thinking about the consequences, hmm?”

“An-ton, let me go,” Miyo stuttered out, trying to desperately unclasp the hand suffocating her. But the mention of his Russian name only seemed to fuel his fury as he slammed her back against the motel's wall, causing her to let out a pained whimper.

“Ryu Shi-Oh, that is my name. Engrave it in your fucking mind,” he snarled, before casually dropping her on the floor, watching as the woman broke out into string of coughs while clutching her sore throat. With soulless eyes, he crouched down to her level, making her cower away. “Now, tell me who is pulling the strings behind you?”

“As if you already don't know. It's Pavel, isn't it too obvious?” the woman whispered, trying to hide her apparent fear as she looked him in the eyes. “You're already on their hitlist, yet you still want to mess with them?”

“Give me the name,” Shi-Oh demanded, completely ignoring her latter statement as he stared at her with absolute menace. Sensing her obvious hesitation, he chuckled darkly, “If you're reason to stay silent is your fear of being killed by your master. Then, don't think I'll be kind enough to let you live either.”

“Pavel must be already disappointed in you,” he tsked, shaking his head mockingly, then continued with a cruel smile,“after all that training and suffering, you still failed to cover your tracks properly? It took me less than an hour to find out your whereabouts, such a waste of skill you are...It's such a pity that you were once my senior.”

Miyo gritted her teeth at the demeaning comments of the man infront of her, before speaking, “You're acting all high and mighty just because you surpassed your superiors. But where did that glory lead you? To your awaiting death...Do you really think you can protect that woman forever?”

Shi-Oh's eyes darkened, turning malicious beyond recognition, as he spoke with undeterred conviction, “I can and I will...And if anyone dared to hurt her, mercy is the last thing to expect from me. She may keep my demons at bay, but she is also the one who is capable of unleashing my utmost wrath. And you dared to cross that very line.”

Something about his tone had evoked a deep fear within the woman, who was currently at his mercy. She could feel the sincerity of his words, and the promise within his eyes. Clenching her jaw, she spoke, “You're ridiculous. I never imagined that the mighty weapon of Pavel would be stupid enough to follow his heart. Well, let's see how far can you go for this love of yours before she ends up dead in your arms—”

Her words were cut off by Shi-Oh's large hand wrapping tightly around her throat and pushing her head further into the wall behind her. Something vehemently dark triggered inside his mind at the thought of loosing Tsetseg. Something so vicious, consuming him whole. “Your next words should directly correspond to my demand, or else I won't think twice before cutting off your tongue.”

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