Chapter 18

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“The bugs that I had set up at Heritage club are seem to be diffused,” Hi-seek said, face drenched in stress, he continued, “Out team has been listening to all of the conversations happening there, but we haven't found anything valuable. And then all of a sudden they got disconnected...”

Tsetseg looked at her mother who sat beside her on the couch, she seemed to be frustrated with the lack of evidence being collected against Doogo. Inhaling deeply, her mother turned to look at her expectantly, “What about you Namsoon-ah? Do you have any information regarding how exactly the drugs are shipped? What about the Busan branch of Doogo?”

“Actually... things have been unusual at Doogo from past five days. There's a sort of inactivity involving all the illegal business...” Tsetseg started carefully, as she wanted to put a different perspective, “Even the inauguration ceremony at Busan was fairly a business gathering without any ulterior motives...”

“What is Ryu Shi-Oh planning? Is it an attempt of him to make sure his reputation remains unstained? Is he that cunning?” her mother spoke, a surge of strong dislike coating her voice, spiking needles to Tsetseg's heart. “He definitely has an ulterior motive?”

“Or maybe he is actually trying to step away from Pavel?” the defensive words escaped Tsetseg's without thinking, earning both Hi-seek's and her mother's attention. So she decided not to hold back, “What if he is actually trying to get away from all the illegal activities and built his business on honesty?”

“Do you really think he would do that? If so, why?” Hi-seek questioned before his mother could erupt in anger due to her statement. “He had been involved in this business for far too long to retreat now. What makes you think of that possibility, Namsoon?”

“Are you aware of Pavel kidnapping orphans and mercilessly training them to become human weapons? You must have researched enough about the mafia organisation to know that right?” Tsetseg questioned calmly, making the man nod in agreement.

“Knowing that information and the fact that Pavel distributes deadly drugs worldwide, what conclusion do you come to? What does that make Ryu Shi-Oh? And what are we fighting for in this matter?” Tsetseg asked, watching Hi-seek pondering over her words while her mother seemed irritated.

“Namsoon-ah, what has gotten into you? Are you defending a drug dealer now?” Hwang geum ju exclaimed, eyes furrowed with frustration.

Exhaling deeply, she turned to look at her mother, “I am not defending anyone, Eomma. I am only questioning what exactly our purpose is? Is it to eradicate all evil as you claim? Or just choose someone who is easier to defeat and could be a victim himself?”

“He's a criminal, Namsoon. And our purpose is to get him behind the bars...” Hi-seek spoke, interrupting the tense atmosphere between the mother and daughter. “and we are not sure of his past anyways.”

But I am... Tsetseg thought.

“Who are we to judge someone who has been surviving since birth, when we have already got the taste of living,” her words echoed in the silent room like a haunting wisp of wind, before her phone rang disrupting the tense atmosphere.

Her eyes observed the glistening screen, seeing a familiar name flicker on the screen. She put her phone on silent, not having the courage to pick it up. Because she knew if his voice reached her ears, she would surely forget all about her moral duties and defend him infront of his two greatest enemies. But she already did defend him....

“Are you getting attached? You are supposed to be a spy, Namsoon. You can't bear sympathy for the man you're decieving,” her mother's words felt like venomous spikes of truth. She was right, sympathising with the man she was supposed to deceive was unbearable.

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