Chapter 8

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“Are you hungover or what?” Hi-seek asked, continuously poking Tsetseg's shoulder with his finger. He kept annoying her all the way to work. “Considering the amount of wine you drank at your father's birthday party, it wouldn't be surprise.”

“I have a high tolerance unlike you who passed out after half a bottle, now leave before I punch you, ” Tsetseg threatened thrusting her fist towards his face, making him back away in total fright.

Clearing his throat, he raised his hands in surrender, “Fine, I'll leave you alone. Starting today, I'll be working from the station, instead of being undercover with you... There's a lot of incoming cases regarding the drug, so you're on your own.”

“Great! I won't have to see your annoying face that often from now on,” with that she walked away from the warehouse, anticipating the events of the day ahead of her.

Ryu Shi-Oh had called her to his office about five minutes ago, and she could not help but wonder why. Their encounter yesterday had proved that he needed something from her, just like she did. But what was it that he could want from her? What could she offer?

Tsetseg found herself thinking about that man more than she would have liked to admit. Ever since the first time she had seen him at the airport, he had been circling her mind. And whenever she'd try to get him out of her head, there seemed to happend another encounter not long after.

At first it was only his eyes that kept him etched in her mind, they were so empty yet occupied. Maybe it was just her curiosity to know more, to unravel the secrets which laid hidden beneath those soul less eyes. And look at where fate had brought her, handing her the very task of deciphering the man that he was.

Earlier she craved to know more just to feed her curiosity, but now it had became her sole responsibility to figure him out. But more so his ways, his deeds and lies. Everything that he had built, and was built of, she had to comprehend it all. For a noble cause.

Not long after, Tsetseg found herself knocking on Shi-Oh's office door, and walking in after a few seconds. She noticed the man facing the window, hands in his pocket. As usual he was dressed in a perfectly tailored suit and impeccably styled hair. Whole of his aura screamed wealthy and powerful.

He turned towards her, the same look residing in his eyes whenever he'd look at her. Taking a few steps closer, he halted at respectful distance and spoke, “ Tsetseg, I would like to take you under my wing.”

Hearing his straightforward tone, Tsetseg tried to process the exact meaning of his words. And maybe the struggle was visible on her face, as Shi-Oh continued after the strip of silence. But this time, there was a trace of something darker in his voice, “Become one of my people.”

“I'd like to train you as Doogo's lobbyist. You will have wealth and honour, I can change your life,” he finished, luring her with a tempting offer. It was indeed tempting but in a different way.

This was the opportunity she had been waiting for. An opportunity to get closer, to get involved and blended. Of course she had to agree, “It sounds good. I'm in.”

Tsetseg was rewarded with a satisfied smile, and a glimpse of victory in his charcoal black eyes. But it was soon replaced with his usual expression, something that was prompting her to runaway. “But before that... I'd like to do a test.”

“What...kind of test?” she questioned, truly demented about his intentions. What was he going to do with her? Did he find about her true identity? So many questions rose inside her head, but he replied with a vague, 'You'll find out soon.'

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