Harry- Valentine's Day (sexual)

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You weren’t too happy about having to go to Harry for Valentine’s Day, but at least you were going to see him. He couldn’t leave the city because of rehearsals for the upcoming tour so you had to meet him at a hotel room he reserved for you two. It was already pretty late when you arrived at the front desk to get the key and Harry said he would be staying at the studio even later.

As you made your way off the elevator and through the hall, a wave of sadness crashes you as you realize this Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be as romantic as you had hoped. The day was already nearly over. You finally get to the room and enter the key in the door, making the small light flash green. When you enter, you see candles scattered around the room and Harry standing in the middle with flowers in his hands. “Hello beautiful.” He says with his cheeky grin. You are so surprised that you don’t know what to say first. You hear the door close behind you and it brings words back to you.

“Harry, you told me you would be late.” Your excitement is apparent in your voice. “It’s called a surprise love.” He walks toward you, hands you the flowers, and pecks your cheek. “Happy Valentine’s Day Y/N.” “Happy Valentine’s Day.” You say looking into his green eyes. “Go make yourself comfortable. I’ll put your bag away.” You hand him your bag and place the beautiful white roses on the table before making your way to the bed. You stop yourself from climbing into it. “Why are you just standing here?” his husky voice almost whispers in your ear. His hands are placed on your hips and you can feel his firm grip.

“The rose petals make it look too beautiful to lie in. Did you place them in a heart yourself?” you ask with your head turned over your shoulder. You feel his smile on your cheek. “Yeah, I have the scars to prove it.” he jokes, turning his hands over revealing a few small cuts on his fingers and palms. “Did you know roses have thorns?” You take his hand in yours and kiss several of his cuts. “Now I really can’t mess up your hard work.” Harry starts to open his mouth, but you place your finger on his lips. “Hold that thought. I have to run to the bathroom.” Before he can object, you quickly head to the restroom.

When you open the door more candles are revealed. The dancing lights flicker on the bubbles in the bath, where even more rose petals lay. “Please don’t say we can’t mess this up either.” You hear in your ear. You turn around and crash your lips against his. Everything inside you was screaming to be closer to your thoughtful boyfriend. You run your digits through his curls; bringing him deeper into the kiss and making small moans escape him. His tongue ran over yours longingly. His hands slip under your shirt and unhook your bra while you work on removing his pants. You separate momentarily to pull your shirt over your head and let your bra fall to the ground. As he removes his clothing you pause to stare at his fit abs. His tattooed arms and chest are barely visible in the candlelit room.

His eyes meet yours and you can see the passion he had just been kissing you with. As he removes his jumper and shirt you finish undressing and slowly enter the water, the bubbles covering your body from his view. “While it’s still Valentine’s Day babe.” You tease him. As soon as his underwear hit the floor, he practically sprints to the tub and gets in. His hands grasp your face and pull you into a kiss. He moves so that he’s in between your legs and you firmly wrap them around both his thighs. His kiss moves to the spot in between your shoulder and neck. You lean your head back, allowing him to run his tongue over the tiny love bites he’s leaving you.

            His hands work your breasts and you can feel your body yearning for him even more so. His lips latch onto your nipple at the same time his fingers press onto your clit. The pleasure you’re feeling forces out a loud moan. You feel Harry’s lips smile against your breast as he hears how well he knows you. “Harry please.” You breathe out. Your plea causes two fingers to enter you. Immediately you feel your walls clench his fingers and you struggle to muffle your groans. His fingers go in deeper and brush against your g-spot with every curl. You can’t hold in your moans anymore, which makes Harry go faster. Your hands scratch at his back and your legs wrap tighter around his thighs. +

            Suddenly, his mouth is detached from your chest and his fingers are removed from inside of you. Before you can complain, Harry is under water and his mouth on your bundle of nerves. You lose control and feel yourself release. Harry comes up from under the water, his wet hair covering his eyes, but not his giant his smile. He catches his breath as you come down from your high and you can’t help but want more. You reach out for him and pull him closer to you. “I need you.” You say in his ear before nibbling on his earlobe. He turns and kisses you. You reach down and grab his length, pumping a few times before he takes control. You feel him rub against your slit and move your hands to grab his shoulders, preparing yourself. “I love you Y/N.” he lets out before entering you.

            You feel him stretch you and you hold in your yelp by biting down on your lip. His thrusts are slow, being mindful of the waves he was creating in the tub. Your lips pepper kisses all over his neck and chest, informing him that his actions are perfect. His thrusts, still slow, start to deepen and continually hit the perfect spot. “Say my name.” he practically grunts. You easily follow his command as he sucks on your neck. “Oh… Ha-harry…come for me.” You moan out. His speed quickens and you pay no attention to the water splashing onto floor. After a few thrusts your walls clench and release onto him, allowing his release. He stays in you until you both recover from your climax and pulls out slowly. He nuzzles his face in your neck, tickling you with his wet curls, and whispers “Happy valentine’s love.” You place a kiss on his cheek. “We still have a bed to mess up Haz.” His head springs up and reveals his huge smile. 

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