Zayn- My Superman (sweet)

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“I said leave her alone.” His voice was calm, but firm, clearly a warning to the guy that wouldn’t take no for an answer. The man looked Zayn up and down then back at you. “She’s not worth it anyway,” he says turning away. “Some guys are just idiots,” Zayn says stepping to you. “Come on, I’ll take you home.” He holds out his hand, which you take hold of quickly, wanting to leave the embarrassing incident as soon as possible. Once you two are out of the club, he stops a cab and opens the door for you. “Where to?” the driver asks looking in the mirror. Zayn looks at you, waiting for you to answer. Once you do, he sits back, staying silent. “Thank you,” you say loud enough for him to hear before turning to look out the window. His hand holds yours gently, telling you “you’re welcome” without having to say anything. When the driver reaches your flat, Zayn opens your door and pays the fare, making you feel bad. A stranger was going through all this trouble for you and you hadn’t the slightest clue.

            “Thank you again,” you say standing in front of your door. “No thank you needed. If I wouldn’t have stepped in, someone else surely would have. No girl deserves to be treated like that.” He stares into your eyes as each word leaves his dry lips. “Would you like to come in?” the question comes out without any thought. “Sure,” he smirks with his response. You close the door behind him once he enters, making sure to lock both locks. “Make yourself at home,” you say motioning to the couch. “Do you want some water?” Once seated, he looks at you. “Yes, please.” When you come back and hand him the glass, his lips quickly attach to the rim. You talked for a while, about everything and nothing really; usual topics of, work, family, and friends came up, laughs bursting between and during each. Conversation just happened easily and you found yourself more and more intrigued with everything he said.

            When you moved in for a kiss, you weren’t the only one in shock. When you realize that you made the first move, you pull back. You assume your cheeks are blushing from the heat you feel on your face. “I’m s-” His lips cut you off. There was no time to think and you didn’t want to. You reached for his pants and it was then you knew you two weren’t on the same page. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks pulling away. You bite your lip, both from embarrassment and the excitement that was traveling through your body. “You stood up for me and have been nothing short of amazing since. Honestly…I’d like to end this night perfectly before morning comes and it’s over with.” Zayn looks at you and you can’t make out how he’s feeling or what’s going on in his head. He suddenly stands up from the couch and your heart drops until he sticks out his hand. “Well, let’s go to a bed then.” A soft smile crosses his face and you’re all too eager to take advantage of the moment.

            When you stand, he pulls you into him and kisses you firmly, like he means it. You walk backwards, your hands crossed behind his neck, guiding him to your bedroom. His lips were gentle and chapped; his constantly licking them had not helped. Once you made it into the bedroom, clothes were stripped off and few words were exchanged. He was careful, but powerful. You couldn’t have imagined him any better if you tried. He made sure you finished twice before he released himself. Your pants filled the room for a short while until he came back from disposing the condom and pulled you into his side. “That was amazing,” you breathe out, your eyes closed. “Yes it was.” You feel sleep taking hold of you, but you fight it off for as long as you can, not wanting to wake up from the dream you were most likely in. Zayn kissed your forehead. “Good night Y/N.”


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