Niall- Food Over You (sexual)

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You love him, you really do. There is no questioning your feelings for Niall, but he just isn’t addressing all you needs. You didn’t think when he said he loved food over girls, you would be included. He was a great boyfriend, except he didn’t physically please you as much as you would like. Sometimes you wanted more than love making and it felt like that’s all Niall was willing to do. “I can’t lose him.” You think to yourself and start to hatch a plan. If you and Nialler were going to end, it wouldn’t be because you didn’t try.

            When Niall comes home from the studio, he finds you in the kitchen with your robe on and is surprised to see you didn’t cook. “Are we eating out tonight?” he asks concerned. “No.” “Are you feeling alright?” he asks stepping toward you. “Yeah, I’m good.” “Good. I’m starving.” “Good.” You respond with a smile. “That’s not good at all.” “Come with me.” You say grabbing his hand and leading him to the bedroom. “Y/N can’t we eat something first?” he complains while looking back toward the kitchen longingly. You pull him into the room and lock the door behind you. “What are you doing?” Niall says a little annoyed. You walk up to him and put your lips right against his ear. “You can’t get anything to eat until you work for it.” you say before kissing his neck.

            “You know I have to have some food in me before I can do anything.” Niall says with a smile. “Well I guess you aren’t very hungry then.” You say crossing your arms. Niall laughs and tries to move around you to the door, but you grab his arm and pull him back. “I’m not kidding Niall. No food until you earn it.” you say dropping your robe, revealing your lace blue bra and panties. You don’t know if it was Niall’s desire for you or food that made him rush toward you, but this is what you wanted. Niall pushed you up against the wall, taking no time to force his tongue into your mouth. One hand tangled in your hair while the other reached around your back to unhook your bra. Niall lifts you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist, allowing him to palm your breasts and massage them. Moans escape from your mouth as he focuses on teasing your nipples in between his fingers. Your hands tug on his hair, making him suck harshly on your breasts.

            The slight pain was exciting to you. With your legs still tightly wrapped around him and your back supported by the wall, Niall pulls away to lift his shirt above his head. His body was all that you craved right now. Your hands roam from his shoulders to his chest to his abs, but he isn’t interested in that. He pushes your hands away and lets you down, turning you around just as quickly. He pulls down your panties and smacks your ass. The pain stung, a lot, but you hold it in trying to take advantage of this side of Niall you’d never seen. You can feel how wet you are with excitement and hear his pants drop to the ground. Niall grabs your hair, pushing you against the wall more, before forcefully entering you from behind. With his hand on your hips, his pace is faster than usual and you can feel your climax approaching. Niall must have sensed this from your moans and slowed down.

            He pulls your hair away from your shoulder and bites down on your neck hard. “Ow Niall. You can’t eat me.” You say. Niall pulls out of you and turns you around. “You shouldn’t have said that.” He says with his eyes dark and forehead sweaty. He rushes you to the bed and pushes you down on your back. He spreads your legs open and nibbles on your inner thigh, making his way to your center. He uses his tongue to circle around your clit, making you fill the room with moans. He bites down hard and quickly enters you with his tongue, which distracts from the pain. When you tried silencing yourself you hear Niall greedily eating you out, causing you to moan his name. “Niall I can’t hold it anymore!” you yell out right before releasing on his mouth.

            He licks you clean before coming up to your mouth and kissing you. “I’m sorry.” He says lying beside you. “For what?” you ask, confusion written on your face. “I haven’t been there for you physically.” “Ni-” “No, I know now. You wouldn’t use food against me if I was.” He says cutting you off. You blush at being caught. “I should have just told you.” Niall smiles and says “Yes you should have, but it’s okay.” You cuddle closer to him, but he moves away. “What do you think you’re doing?” You look up shocked. “I believe I earned myself some food.” He says crossing his arms and furrowing his brow. You smile and head toward the kitchen to get your prince a meal fit for him.

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