Zouis- Dream to Reality (sexual)

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Zayn came out of his room in the suite he was sharing with Louis at the hotel. He had obviously just gotten up; his messy hair and tired eyes being a dead giveaway.  He hadn’t even noticed Louis sitting on the couch fiddling with his phone as he made his way to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. “Well good morning to you too Zayn.” Louis teases. “Ehh…sorry mate. I’m not really awake yet.” He replies. “Did you sleep okay?” “Yeah, yeah. I slept fine. I just had a strange dream.” “Oh yeah? What about?” Louis asks with a grin. Zayn took an unusually long pause before brushing the question away and heading back into his room to get ready.

            Louis decides to head up to the rooftop to enjoy the good weather the day granted, throwing on a long sleeve, black and white shirt. “Going to be on the roof!” he yells to Zayn as he heads to the elevator. Zayn took his time getting ready: making sure every feature on his face was exactly how he wanted it. An hour later, having decided to wear jeans, a white t-shirt, light gray hoodie, and red jacket, he heads on up to meet Louis, but not before adjusting the gray beanie on his head. “Wow, that was quick of you?” Louis jokes when Zayn sits down at the table. “Oh shut up.” Zayn groans. After ordering some food, Louis cuts the small talk about their recent concert. “So are you going to tell me about your dream or not?” he asks filling his mouth with food. “Not.” Zayn takes no time to say. “Fine. I already know what it was about anyway.” Louis shrugged. “Yeah? Care to share then?” Zayn calls his bluff. “You had a sex dream about me.” Louis laughs.

            Zayn freezes at his words as Louis continues eating. “Did I rock your world Zayn Malik?” Louis laughs some more. “You’re wrong.” Zayn finally manages to say. “I don’t think I am. You wouldn’t have reacted like that if I were.” Louis’ smile still doesn’t fade. “I had a dream that we…uhh” he pauses and looks around, making sure no one was listening to their conversation. “we had a threesome.” Louis’ eyes grew in surprise before he laughed uncontrollably, making his vein in his neck show. “That’s just great!” he yells, drawing everyone’s attention. “Shut up will you. Everyone’s looking.” “Sorry. Carry on everyone! Don’t mind me!” Louis yells out to the audience he had just drawn. “Why is that so funny to you anyway?” Zayn asks. “Cause from the sounds you were making, it seemed like you enjoyed it.”

Louis looks at Zayn’s face and sees that his words are true. “You dog. Is that some fantasy of yours?” “What?! No!” “Don’t lie to me Malik.” Zayn pushes away from the table and walks to the edge of the roof, leaning on the railing. “Let’s do it.” Louis suggests from behind him. “What?” Zayn asks turning his head. “Let’s have a threesome. Me, you, and some girl.  You can pick.” “You’re crazy.” Zayn rolls his eyes. “If it were Liam you would probably jump at the chance.” Louis says pretending to be hurt. “And if I were Harry I’d be completing a fantasy of yours.” Zayn hits back. “That’s not funny.” Louis says seriously. “Come on. What have we got to lose?” Zayn smiles at the thought as Louis continued pushing the idea. “Alright, I’m in.” Louis licks his lips before saying “Zayn my friend. Tonight we grow just a little closer than we ever will with the other lads.” Louis chuckles and brings a small smile to Zayn’s lips.

 That night all the boys head to a club that Harry picked out. Only Louis and Zayn knew how their night would end and they could only hope that none of the guys would find out. “What about her?” Louis says in Zayn’s ear over the music, pointing at a girl across the floor. He shakes his head. “Her?” Another no. “Her?” “No.” Zayn shouts for Louis to hear. “Who are you waiting for?!” Zayn starts to reply when you catch his eye. “Her.” Zayn says to Louis motioning to your position. “Okay, now I see.” Louis says after seeing you. “Well go on. We have to get out of here before the others. Go work your charm on her pretty boy.” Zayn smiles and sets his drink down before making his way to you. You were on the dance floor, swaying and sipping your drink. You didn’t even notice that the Zayn Malik had walked up to you until he placed his hand on your hip and spoke in your ear. “Are you here all by yourself?”

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