Liam- Bar Fight (sweet)

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You and Liam decide to spend the night out on the town. It’s been a while since you two could just go out with the other boys and their girls, so that’s exactly what you planned to do. Niall calls Liam to say he’s outside waiting for you two love birds. “Y/N are you ready? Niall’s out front!” He yells so you can hear from inside the bathroom. “All set.” You say after walking into view. “You’re gorgeous love.” You blush at his compliment and walk toward him. As you button the top button on his white shirt, he stares at your eyes.

“What?” you ask after catching him, giving him a shy smile. “I love you.” Before you can repeat his words, he passionately places his lips onto yours. “We have to hurry. Niall doesn’t like to wait.” He says pulling away to open the door. You grab your purse and head out first. “You ready for tonight?” Niall says excitedly as you scoot into the back. “Oh yeah, it’s been so long since I’ve been dancing.” “I can’t wait to drink.” “When can you?” Liam says laughing. When you arrive at the club, you have to fight past the paparazzi and fans standing outside. Liam holds onto your hand to make sure you aren’t separated. Once inside the dark venue, you see the flashing lights hitting everyone on the dance floor. You’re excitement rises even higher. You get to the section, closed off for the family only, and hug Perrie and Eleanor immediately.

“I haven’t seen you in forever!” you yell over the music. “I know right?” Perrie yells back. “We were just saying that.” Eleanor says directly into your ear. “Hey Y/N!” Harry yells and clumsily hugs you. “Hi Harry. I can see you’ve already had a few drinks.” “It’s a fun night right?” “I’ll let you know when I’m at your level.” you reply with a smile. “Here you go.” Louis yells handing me a drink. “Thank you.” He smiles and clinks his bottle with my glass. You see Perrie’s arms wrapped around Zayn’s neck and meet Zayn’s vision. You flash him a smile and he returns it. You take a gulp of my drink and suddenly feel a hand on my waist.

You start to turn your head, but Liam’s lips stop you with a kiss on your cheek. You bring your hand up and reach behind to rub your fingers through his growing hair. “Can we go dance?” You ask with your back still to him. “Of-” he starts to say before Louis diverts his attention. “Here’s another drink lad.” Liam finishes the small amount still in his glass and trades it with the filled one in Louis hand. “Thanks.” Liam shares a drink with Louis before Louis gets taken away by Eleanor. Liam and you laugh as you see Louis almost spill his drink. “Now can we dance?” you ask with a huge smile. “Of course.” You finish your drink quickly and grab Liam’s hands. “You’re very excited!” he yells as we get closer to the music.

You smile and let the beats flow through you as you and Liam dance body to body. The dj plays your favorite songs; the lights flash all around and light up Liam’s face in all different colors, and the other bodies on the dance floor can’t take your attention away from your boyfriend. After a couple of songs, Niall and Harry make their way through the pit of moving bodies to you and Liam with extra drinks in their hands. As the music lowers in tempo you and Liam drink some more. “I’ve got to wee.” He says in your ear. You nod your head, allowing him to leave. You see Niall shimmying his chest in your direction which makes you burst into laughter. Before you know it Harry is doing the same thing and you are sandwiched in between them both. When the silliness around you dies down, you realize two girls were the cause.

“Mind taking this off my hands while I show Eleanor my moves!” Louis yells jokingly and handing you his fresh drink. He pulls Eleanor into the center of floor and starts to dance around her making her laugh. You start drinking from the glass in your hand and feel the music again. Your hips start to sway and you find yourself feeling tipsy. You feel hands on your hips, but they start to move down your thighs. You stop and turn to find a man you’ve never seen before. “Don’t be like that. We were having a moment.” He says. “I thought you were someone else. Sorry.” You start to turn away, but he grabs your hand. “I can be whoever you want me to be.” He says tightly gripping you and pulling you back. “Let go!” you say while trying to pry his hand off you.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” Liam yells out, anger clearly on his face. “Why don’t you mind your business?” the stranger yells back and let’s goes of his grip to point to Liam threateningly. “This is my business. You’re bothering my girlfriend.” “You’re with this chump?” he asks you with a smirk. You give him a disgusted look, but he reaches out to try and grab you again. Liam quickly pulls you behind him. “Leave her alone. I won’t say it again.” “Why? You rather I mess with you?” the man says pushing Liam’s chest. “Liam let’s just go!” you yell out trying to avoid the fight the stranger was clearly looking for. Liam turns to you and says “I’m coming.” When he turns back to the man, Liam’s face is met by a fist.

“Liam!” you yell out. The stranger punches him again before Liam can find an opening to fight back. Good thing Liam boxed when he was younger or he would have been knocked out by that punch. Liam returns some punches to the man’s sides and manages to block some of his punches. Everyone is gathered around the two of them, but you can’t see where any of the lads are. Why weren’t they helping Liam? Suddenly you see the stranger get Liam onto the ground and punch him a few times in the face. You see blood on his face and tears escape your eyes. “Liam get up! Please!” you yell helplessly. Liam manages to block the incoming punches and flip the man over. Liam punches the man in his face a few times before he is torn off of him by security guards.

You run over to him and can clearly see his busted lip and the swelling on the left side of his face. “Get him out of here. He doesn’t know how to respect women!” Liam yells out to the security guard. “Let’s go man.” The security guard says leading the man out of the circle of people. “Liam you have blood on your face. You have a cut.” “Are you okay?” he asks concerned. “I’m fine. I’m worried about you.” “I’m alright. I just have to get cleaned up. This is not going to ruin our night.” He kisses your cheek, but winces at the pain immediately after. He wipes the blood off your cheek. “What happened?” Louis and Zayn ask in unison. “Liam got into a fight with this jerk who was being forceful with me. Where were you guys?” “That was our fault.” Perrie says looking at Eleanor. “We were in the back.” Eleanor says blushing. You look at the lads who were looking down. “Well where is Niall? Where’s Harry?” “They left with the ladies they were dancing with according to this text message.” Louis says.

“Come on Liam. Let’s get a towel for that cut and your lip.” You take his hand and head to the back of the club. You use a towel and ice to clean his battle wounds. “Thank you, for standing up for me.” “You don’t have to thank me love. I will always be there for you. Let’s just hope it doesn’t lead to a brawl every time.” He replies with a chuckle. “Now let’s continue with our night.” You smile and grab the hand he holds out for you.

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