Harry- One Time and Nothing More (sexual)

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“Come on, I have to show you something.” You tell Harry walking into your bedroom. He was a close friend of yours, but tonight he’ll be just a little more. “What is it?” he says smiling, suspecting nothing out of the ordinary. You two had traveled back to your place after the party and you practically begged him to come in, convincing him there was something he really needed to see. “Sit.” You command, pointing to the bed. “Alright, alright, I’m sitting.” He laughs and throws his hands up, surrendering to your command. You make your way to the closet and slip on your favorite lingerie. Granted you were a bit intoxicated, but you knew this wouldn’t be something you’d regret in the morning.

            “Harry I’m afraid I have to admit I lied to you.” You say hidden behind your closet door. “What are you talking about Y/N?” the confusion was clear in his voice and it only excited you more. “I don’t have anything for you to see…but I do have something to show you.” With this you step out of the closet, revealing your sudden lack of clothing. Your black lace slip came down to your hip and left nothing to the imagination. “Woah…” Harry breathes at the sight of you. You walk over to him and bend over to whisper into his ear. “There is so much I want to do to you Harry. Do you want me to show you what I have in mind?” You can hear him gulp, before his hands grab at your ass, pulling you onto him and massaging each cheek with his big hands. “I’ll take that as a yes.” You whisper against his ear before taking his lobe in your mouth and flicking it with your tongue.

            You take off his blazer and throw it to the ground while his hands stay on your cheeks. You roll your hips onto his cock and feel an instant reaction. He finally snaps into the moment and rolls you over so that he can finish undressing himself. You move toward the top of the bed and remove your slip before he crawls to meet you. You pull his head down to get a taste of his plump lips, tugging at his curls to make him open his mouth, giving you a chance to slip your tongue in. You dominate him, refusing to give him a chance to take over. You were going to show him like you said. You flip him over and see complete surprise in his green eyes. You lean down and bite his chest, making him hiss. “Don’t be weak Styles.” You tease him. You move down and take him in your hand. You always wondered what he was hiding in those tight pants of his and you never expected him to be this big.

            You run your thumb over his slit, spreading his precum around his head. You hear him let out a small moan so you run your tongue slowly up his length, swirling your tongue around the tip before you take in his head and begin sucking. Your other hand holds his thigh and you feel his muscle flex under your grip. You take more of him in your mouth and you can feel him slipping away under you. You bob up and down and his hips pull up from the bed, his dick touching the back of your throat. You stop him by sucking really hard; you were not going to lose the control you had over him. You let go of your suction and pull yourself onto him. “Shit Y/N” he groans. You adjust him before lower yourself onto him. You feel yourself filled and stretched sitting on top of him. You run your nails down his chest, taking the time to get used to his size.

            Once you feel ready you start to bounce on his dick, your hands placed on his hard abs for control. Harry’s curls are in a mess and his eyes are clenched tightly. Good thing you were on the pill because it would have been a shame to fuck him with a condom. You wanted nothing more than to feel him release inside of you. “Oh Harry!” you yell out as he slams upward into you. You let him flip you over and he shows he’s not a newbie in the bedroom. He expertly rubs your clit as he pounds into, quickly building up your orgasm. “Faster!” you yell out. His pace increase and his thrusts deepen hitting you in just the right spot. You clench your walls around him, hoping to get him to reach his high quicker. “Fuck!” he yells out and you know you’ve succeeded. You feel his release and let go around his cock. “Shit Harry!” You pant heavily after he falls next to you. “Y/N…what…got into you?” he manages to get out. “You did.” You answer. He smiles and tries to cuddle with you, but you don’t allow it. “Sorry Styles. One time only. Nothing serious okay?” You see your words hit him hard, but it’s not what you wanted.

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