Zayn- Stormy Night (sexual)

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I jump to the loud crash caused by the thunder outside. “Babe it’s okay.” Zayn says lying behind me, tightening his hold around my waist. “It’s just storming out.” He assures me, placing a kiss on my temple. “I know. It just frightened me awake.” I say, embarrassed that he witnessed my being scared. Lightning strikes outside, brightening the room momentarily, creating dancing shadows for a second. I flinch at the thunder that follows and turn over to bury my face in the warm bare chest rising slightly behind me from Zayn’s breathing. My hands are crossed over my chest and I try to bring my knees up to curl in a ball, even though the body next to me prevents my attempts. Another boom of thunder makes my head duck further beneath Zayn, my eyes sealed shut not wanting to view any more of the blue light.

            Zayn’s soft shushing makes me aware of the slightly audible noises I’m making. “Hey, hey,” I bring my face up not having any other choice as his hand guides it to meet his “why are you so afraid?” His eyes are filled with worry and confusion. He’s never really seen me like this and I made sure he hadn’t. “I don’t know.” I keep the truth hidden, knowing how stupid I would sound if I reveal it. “Come on Y/N. There’s got to be a reason you’re so scared.” I duck my head again as the blue light flashes in the room, anticipating the loud thunder to come. Zayn starts to pull away, but wraps me tightly in his arms again when he hears the thunder I had been waiting for. When the sound of the rain is clear again, he pulls away, lifting my face to meet his once more. “I don’t know why you’re so terrified, but I’m going to make sure you aren’t so afraid in the future.” He says pulling my hand from the other and kissing it tenderly. “How?”

            “By giving you a memory to always think back on when there are nights like this.” A smirk plays on his lips as he speaks. I’m slowly turned onto my back. My legs loosen and straighten out as he pushes closer to my side. Lightning flashes and I close my eyes, turning my head even though I have nothing to duck under. Zayn places his hand on my faces and brings his shoulder down next to my head, remembering the thunder this time. When the booming stops, Zayn pulls himself back up and strokes my cheek. “It’s alright.” He coos quietly. I open my eyes and see more lightning, but he wouldn’t allow me to turn my head. “Look at me. Don’t pay attention to the light. Just look at me.” He says sternly, turning my face to his. “Keep your eyes on me.” He starts a trail of kisses on my lips, moving to jawbone, neck, shoulders, then chest. He makes his way in between my legs so that the angle isn’t straining on him. I had forgotten about the thunder that was coming until it crashed loudly. I flinch beneath Zayn and he quickly brings his lips and teeth to my neck.

            He works quickly to get a reaction from me, one that had me gasping through the shattering noise. He doesn’t stop until the sound ceases, definitely long enough to have left a harsh mark. He looks at my face, pushing hair out of my view. “Whenever the thunder sounds, I want you to make noise. Yell, moan, scream, whatever feels right. Just make noise to drown it out. Okay?” I nod my head, having no reason to question his help. His lips come down and connect to mine, working them passionately. I part them without him having to ask for access, I wanted the distraction. I wanted him. His hand runs up my thigh, slipping into my shorts and grasping my ass firmly. I feel my senses wake to his touch and thrust upward let him know. His hand moves to the waistband of my shorts and panties, pulling them down together, aware of the urgency of our situation. When he gets our lower halves free of the fabric between us he kisses my neck once again. My eyes flutter and I see the lightening. “Make noise baby.” Zayn says as he thrusts two fingers into me.

            A loud shout of pleasure leaves my mouth as thunder begins to crash. My mind is too distracted by his curling fingers to be frightened by the booming noises following one another. “Ah! Zayn!” I yell out he rubs hard on my clit. “That’s it! Louder!” He yells over the thunder. My body writhes as my moans sound with the dying thunder, his pressure lessening and his thrusts slowing with it as well. I pant as the intensified pleasure decreases, Zayn’s kisses interrupting my seeking for air. “Just like that Y/N.” He says kissing me once more. My eyes roll back as he exits out of me. He moves his face lower so that he’s centered with my now soaked heat. Soft kisses are left on my clit until the lightning strikes outside again. I know a strong wave of pleasure will be hitting me soon when that blue light disappeared. His tongue works my clit harshly, his fingers resuming their previous actions. I lift my feet from the bed, allowing more space for him to work his wonders.

            I’m grateful for the thunder this time. It was surely drowning out my screams of enjoyment from any nearby listeners. I feel my release building, but Zayn pulls away quickly after the noise vanishes. “Zayn,” I moan “I was so close.” He kisses my forehead and lips. “I know.” He kisses my lips again. “You take your pill?” he takes precaution. “Yeah, just get inside me.”  I say almost breathlessly. “See nothing to be afraid of baby.” I didn’t even realize the lightning and thunder this time. Zayn thrust into me with such great force that my screams were the only thing I could hear. I only repeat his name. Yelling out “harder” and “faster” would be lying. He was fucking me perfectly, right out of the reality around us. My nails dig deep into his back as he thrusts deeply, filling me with all of him. “Zayn! I’m there!” I yell out as he brings his fingers to my clit, making me reach my blissful high. My vision was spotted making the lightning hardly visible. My back is straightening back out when Zayn follows with his release. He pulls out when our breathing is close to even and pulls me to his side.

            “You feeling scared babe.” He asks moving my hair off my cheek. I shake my head no against his body, my soft words being useless while the thunder booms. When it’s silent again, with the exception of the rain, Zayn responds with a simple “good.” I focus on his breathing and the amazing journey he had just taken my body on rather than the thunder. “Babe, you think you can tell me why you were so scared now?” is apparently what he asked not realizing I had fallen back to sleep.

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