Harry- I Went to Brit School (sweet)

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He was gorgeous, or hot, or perfect. Who were you kidding? He was all of the above. Harry Styles was the boy every girl daydreamed about. Every time he passed you in the hallway, you wished you had the courage to talk to him. You wished more than anything that he would talk to you. His brown curls, always tousled on his head, made your heart hurt when he shook them every now and then. You nearly fainted the first time you saw them wet during swim lesson in P.E. His green eyes always seemed to shine in the sunlight whenever you saw him playing football at lunch. The thing you loved most though was that smile. His pearly whites always warmed your heart. Knowing he was happy made your day that much better. There was nothing he could do that would make you not crush on him to be honest. Whenever he has a dumb moment, like looking for a dead bird in the sky, you see it as adorable, probably because when he finally catches on he smiles so wide that his dimples get even deeper.

            It’s another day at your private school and you had time off between classes. You walk down a hall that’s usually empty once the morning rush occurs. You were pretty bored and just felt like exploring the campus until you found something to do. As you walk further down you hear someone singing. They were good; real good.

“You are the earth that I will stand upon

You are the words that I will sing

And I've thrown it all away

And watched you fall into his arms again

And I've thrown it all away

Watched you fall, now” you stand outside the door and listen.

You open the door and see it’s Harry. His head turns quickly to you and you see his eyes are wide with surprise. “I didn’t think anyone would be in here. I’ll go.” He rushes, quickly grabbing his backpack. “No!” you nearly yell out. “I mean…no. I just heard singing and wanted to see who it was.” You try to recover. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t know I was that loud.” “You weren’t; it’s just really quiet in the hall.” He looks at his feet, clearly uncomfortable. “I’ll leave you to it. Your voice is amazing by the way.” You say turning away to the door. “Wait!” he commands, stepping in front of you to block your exit. “Really?” You can’t help, but smile. You were here talking to Harry Styles, and he was actually interested in what you had to say. “Yes. You’re really good Harry. Not many people can pull off Ed Sheeran and you definitely were.” There it was: his wide smile, showing his dimples.

“Thanks.” He says looking back at his feet, smiling at the ground. “You don’t think you’re good?” you ask, smiling at the preposterous thought of his. He shrugged his shoulders and you just can’t believe it, the Harry Styles is actually being shy right now. “Trust me, you’re great.” He heads back to his things and you start to head for the door, not wanting to ruin the good moment you just shared with your crush. “Don’t leave.” You turn your head and see he isn’t even facing you. You pause, with a puzzled look on your face. Harry was putting on the blazer that was part of the uniform at school. He was wearing a bow tie today instead of a normal one and it looked absolutely stunning on him. He swung his backpack on his shoulder and walked back to you. “You know my name and I feel awful having to ask for yours.” “Y/N.” “Well Y/N, would you mind going out on the lawn with me and telling me what you think of some other song choices I have in my head. I want to audition for a talent show coming to town and I have no clue on what to sing.” You can feel your cheeks warming as you look into his green eyes staring back at you. “I could do that.” His smile came back to his face and he waited for you to exit first.

You two sat on the lawn for over an hour, his singing only lasting 15 minutes since you two starting joking around. When you realized your next class was going to start, your happiness started to fade. You didn’t want the most amazing time to end. “I have class in a few minutes. I should probably get going.” You say standing up. “I’ll walk with you, that way I know where to pick you up from.” A puzzled look crosses your face with a smile as you wait for him to elaborate. “I like you Y/N. I want to know more about you.” His shyness is back again and all you can say is “I like you too.”

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