Niall- Three Short Stories (sexual)

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These were short imagines people requested.


You and Niall could never get any alone time while he was on tour. There were too many people around all the time and the guys were major cockblockers when their girlfriends weren’t around to entertain them. There was still a whole other week of traveling and shows before his week break. You were dying. You send Niall a text message before his show finished telling him to hurry to the bus before the other lads got on. You add a winking emoticon so that he knows exactly why you want him to go. You sit there waiting for him, having exited the arena before the show ended, running through what exactly you want to do. You’d have at most 8 minutes to do anything. He finally comes in, smiling wide. “Hey Y/N.” he says before bending down and kissing you lustfully, knowing very well there was limited time. You push him over so that he sits down and straddle his lap, grinding your hips roughly against his hardening length. You knew it was wrong to blueball him, but you wouldn’t be fully satisfied either in the end. You harshly suck on his neck and collarbone, leaving multiple red spots, Niall too wrapped up in the moment to object. You hear the door open and quickly get off of him, trying to act as if you two were just talking. “Bloody hell.” Liam says looking at Niall. “Y/N, you do know we’re not supposed to have marks like that on him right?” You look at Niall’s neck and gasp at what you had done. The paparazzi are going to have a field day if they catch him looking like that. When Niall looked in the mirror, he just laughed, finding the marks of passion entertaining. When morning came and he had to exit, the paparazzi found it entertaining as well, even though Niall tried his best to block their shots.


Niall’s hand covered your mouth, determined to keep your moans of pleasure muffled. His other hand was deep inside you, driving you insane and hindering your breathing. If you two were caught backstage, magazines and reporters would have the biggest scoop to date in the music industry. Niall was getting ready for the concert and somehow both of you were overcome with want. Your lips crashing, as he pushed you to a hidden corner in a room, slightly away from all the foot traffic occurring. His shirt was quick to come off, but that was all. His fit body only made you want him more. “Ni…I need you.” You begged in his ear. Now you were on the verge of reaching your high as his fingers curled. Your eyes roll back and you finally let go, your knees feeling weak and your body tired. Niall carried you to a seat, leaving only to get you some water. Twenty minutes later fan pictures of Niall shirtless were all over the internet. If only they knew the reason why.


“Turdee seven cuntreeeees” you continue teasing Niall, the couch being the only thing keeping him from catching you. “I told ya it’s not funny.” He wasn’t really angry but, he did hear enough jokes about his accent from the guys already. To have to hear it from you as well probably wasn’t ideal in his mind. “I can’t stop though. You sound so…Irish” you laugh running into the bedroom. He catches you right when you’re going through the doorway, picking you up by your waist. “Irish and proud” he says, carrying you to the bed. “I wouldn’t have you any other way.” You pull him into a kiss, but he quickly pulls away. “Really?” his smile widens. “So if I talked with an American accent you wouldn’t want me?” he asks in his brilliant American voice. “Okay, maybe I lied,” you giggle. “Well den someone gets a punishment.” He eagerly moves in for a passionate kiss and you refuse to push away. Your hands tighten in his hair as he trails kisses from your lips to your neck. Once you two are fully unclothed, Niall says “about that punishment. No foreplay.” He thrusts into you hard once he finishes he sentence, making you gasp at the suddenness of his actions. His thrusts are quick and deep. His balls smacking against you is all that can be heard besides your moans and Niall’s grunts.  He starts going deeper searching for your g spot. When he’s found you lose control and writhe beneath him. “Cum now,” he lets out between clench teeth. You tighten your walls around him before experiencing your orgasm rush through. When he finishes, he pulls out and lies beside you panting. “One down, turdee six ta go,” he smiles.

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