Liam- Permanent Love (sexual)

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“Are you sure you want to go through with this?” Liam asks as you sit, waiting for the tattoo artist to return with the stencil. “You won’t even tell me what it is.” He continues. “Yes I’m sure. The guy already knows what I want and I’m going to go through with it.” You smirk at him, knowing that being kept in the dark is teasing him so much. “Can I at least get a hint of what it is?” he pleads from the doorway he was leaning against, his hands in the front pocket of his blue hoodie. You raise your eyebrow, plastering a dramatic thinking face on. “Well…” you drag out “it represents a promise you made me.” Confusion washes over Liam’s face and you can’t help but giggle. “Remember what you said the first night we shared how we felt.” You can see him recalling back to that night.

            ~“You’re amazing.” Liam said during the middle of the movie. Your head rested on his chest as you were tucked under his arm. “No I’m not. Why’d you say that?” you tried to move to meet his eyes, but he held his arm around you to prevent you from doing so. “Yes you are.” His grip around you loosened and became more comforting as you stopped fighting against it. “You are the best thing in my life Y/N. Just this, being here right now, with you…I couldn’t ask for anything more than just this.” You listened to his words along with his heart beat that had quickened. You tried sitting up again and he allowed you to this time. You could see he meant every word once you saw his brown eyes. “I love you.” He said after a moment. “I love you so much Y/N that it fills me with both pain and pleasure.” His hand moved to take hold of yours and you found yourself at a loss for words. You felt the same, but couldn’t get it out.

            “It pains me to know that I’m so attached to you with this life I live. To know I’m not going to see you as much or be here for you as much as you deserve,” his hand met your cheek and stroked it “but I feel such happiness knowing that I have you. You make me so happy and I can see how much you care and how much you put up with for me.” His eyes stared into yours and you hoped the tears you were fighting back wouldn’t fall. “I love you.” He repeats. You found a sudden surge inside you and pull him into a passionate kiss, hoping that he would understand that you felt the same. His tongue met yours and no fight was needed. You worked together and it only heightened your feelings. Liam pulled you closer and moved down from the headboard of the bed so that you were lying flat.

            His hand moved down to your thigh and lifted it up, wrapping it around his own leg. You knew that both of you wanted nothing more than to make love, to just express everything you felt that moment. You found the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, breaking the kiss so that he could get it over his head. Your hands passed over his chest and shoulders, feeling every defined muscle he had. You had to pull away to get your tank top off for just a moment and figured you might as well take your bra off too. Liam’s eyes didn’t break from yours though. He wouldn’t allow himself to become lustful, not tonight. You pull him closer to suck on his collar bone, knowing how much he loved it. He left soft kisses on your shoulder, wanting to be tender. Something inside of you pushed the words out. “I love you too.” You said hushed in his ear. He glanced at you and smiled.

            After that the rest of the clothing preventing your bodies from becoming one were stripped off and tossed off the bed. Kisses were left all over your body, making you wet and wanting him more. When you tried to make him feel good by going down, he wouldn’t allow you. “I just want to love you” is what he said before flipping you back onto the bed. Your body temperature was high and you could literally feel the heat between you two increasing. Liam centered himself before looking into your eyes, waiting for your “okay.” You nodded your head and felt him enter. He went slow, allowing the pain to decrease and turn to pleasure. Every thrust and kiss was filled with love. His name left your lips as you felt the knot in your stomach intensify. Hearing you voice his name made him closer to his release and you grabbed hold of his arms tightly to let him know you were ready.

Liam only came after your release. He fell beside you and pulled you closer to him, kissing you on your forehead. You trace your fingers on his peck, trying to catch your breath. “Forever Y/N” You looked, waiting for him to elaborate. “I’ll love you forever.”~

“Okay, got the stencil here. On your side right?” the tattooist asks. You nod your head and stand up, taking off your shirt so that the stencil can be placed on. Once it’s set, you turn to Liam, who was anxiously waiting to see what you were getting permanently on your body. A smile widened on his face as he saw the word forever.

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