Niall- Golf (of) Course (sweet)

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So maybe there weren’t a lot of girls who worked at the golf course. Well, at least directly on the course, but you could handle being separated from your friends if it meant a bit more money in your pockets every payday. You close your locker and put your uniform cap on. If everything goes well, you’ll get the new position. If not, it’s back to the laundry room. You were going to be following a member of the club around and being their towel girl. Your boss called it a “needed assistant” who “assists the member in ways the caddy does not.” Yeah…right. You head out and find Eric, the caddy you were paired with for the day. “So who is the member I have to ‘assist’?” you ask, air quoting assist. “A new guy. Horan, I believe.” Eric says. “Really? I get a new member on my trial run? I don’t know if that’s good or bad.” “Who cares? You’ll be fine. It’s like the easiest job.” Eric laughs. “Try lugging around a heavy bag, advising their shots, and fetching balls.” He jokes. “You’re probably right.”

            You two head out to the green and wait. Okay, you didn’t think anything when Eric said Horan. Why would a member of the biggest boy band in the world go golfing by himself? It was too good to be true, but there he was. Niall Horan, ready to golf on the course where you worked. You gulp down before turning to Eric. “That’s Niall Horan.” “You know him?” you punch him in the arm. “Everyone knows him!” you angrily whisper. “He’s in One Direction.” “Oh that boy band that makes all the crap pop music?” You punch him again. “It’s not crap.” You get out before Niall and his crew reaches you. “Hey, I’m Niall.” He introduces. “Eric.” You freeze when his eyes move to you. Crap! “Are you a caddy too?” Niall asks after you don’t introduce yourself. You have to get this job. “No. I’m your tow- needed assistant. Y/N.” You get out. “My what? Did you just make that up?” Niall smiles wide. “No. At this course each member gets a needed assistant who helps you with things the caddy doesn’t.” “Oh, okay. Well I won’t work you too hard.” He laughs. At least you didn’t make a complete fool out of yourself.

            You made your way through the course slowly since Niall was a joker. He also stopped often to munch on something. Whether it was trail-mix, fruit, chips, or fries, you were in charge of getting it. You would drive back and grab various snacks for him. If it were anyone else you’d be annoyed, but you knew Niall was known for being a fan of eating. On your fourth trip back you figured it’d be easier to get a bag and stock up. “What’s in there?” Niall asked when you handed him his water bottle. “I just stocked up on some of the things you were asking for so I wouldn’t have to travel back and forth so much.” You say shyly. You were supposed to do whatever he said and making it easier on yourself didn’t really show a lot of respect. “Smart.” He laughs. “Probably shoulda got a bigger one though.” A laugh escapes you and you see Niall take notice, making you bring your hand to your mouth to stop. He smiles before continuing with his hole.

            “Better hope the boss doesn’t hear about your brilliant idea.” Eric says walking past you to hand Niall a different club. You bite your lip and carry on, handing water bottles to the other men with Niall. When you reach the last hole and the last stroke is made, you feel both relieved and sad. Your trial was over, but Niall Horan would be gone. No more hearing his amazing laugh or being the only one to stifle his hunger momentarily. “Y/N can you take a picture of us?” Niall asks handing you his phone. “Hold on.” He says putting his red, long sleeve pullover. “Alright.” He says after placing his cap back on his head. You hesitate on clicking the picture. “What’s the matter?” he asks after you don’t take the picture. “You aren’t smiling.” You say calmly looking at him. Niall starts to laugh and you snap the picture. “There.” You hand him back the phone. “Did you put your number in it?” he says looking through his phone. “No.” you respond confused. “Let me rephrase that. Can you put your number in it?” he asks handing you back his phone.

So this was happening…at the worst time. “Umm…” you look around to see if Eric was watching. When you see his back is turned, talking to the other guys you look back at Niall. “As much as I want to, I’m not allowed to talk about personal matters with members. It’s also my first day doing this job and really need everything to go well.” You say really torn. “Well then…I need you to help me get the number of this really cute girl. She has this stunning smile and the most amazing smile. She’s pretty clever too. It is your job to help me…unless you’d rather I tell your boss you just aren’t as helpful as you’re supposed to be.” His words light up your face. “No, I can help you with that.” His blue eyes brighten as he watches you type your number in. “Thank you very much for your help Y/N.” he smiles. “No thanks needed it’s my job.” You smile back, handing him his phone.

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