Harry- Hotel Swim (sexual)

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You were taking a swim in the hotel pool while Harry was out doing some promo gigs for the upcoming tour. There were two other men in the pool; swimming laps on the opposite end of you, racing each other and never being satisfied with the results. After a while you find yourself alone, not noticing the men’s exit from the pool area. You dive under the water and swim the length of the pool. When you surface from the water, you’re gasping for air. You push your hair back and out of your face before opening your eyes. You don’t notice him right away, but soon your vision gets clearer.

His curls are tousled and loosely fallen to the side. He’s laid back on one of the wooden pool chairs, his knees bent and distanced apart. He’s staring at you and messing with the collar of his jumper, rubbing it over his lips. “Harry?” You ask, caught by surprise at his presence. “You look really good swimming.” He says with a seemingly serious face. “How long have you been there?” you smile, shifting through the water to get closer to him. “Not long enough.” His facial expression doesn’t change and you realize he’s enjoying the sight of you once you eye a bulge forming in his jeans. You try not to let him know that you‘ve noticed. “I’m going to do another lap and then we can head to the room.” Harry nods his head, his green eyes glued to your bikini top.

You turn around, hop up, and dive under the water, trying your best to hurry to the other end. You turn around before coming up a bit roughly, causing your chest to bounce. You slowly pull yourself up the ladder to get out of the pool, trying your best to not be obvious with your teasing. Harry’s eyes squint as you walk toward him, making his lust for you a little more obvious. You grab your towel before you reach him and start to dab your body dry. Harry moves quickly toward you, pulling your hand away from your body. “I like it when you’re wet.” He says huskily before pulling you to the exit.

When you reach the room he wastes no time shedding the clothes from his body. He pushes you onto the bed after reaching behind you and pulling the ties on your bikini top loose. He runs his tongue down from your neck to your nipple, flicking it before sucking harshly. You grip the duvet on the bed as he pulls down your bikini bottom, his knuckles brushing over your heat. He flings the wet material to the ground and brings his hand back to where you need it most. “Harry please.” You moan quietly. Without hesitation, he slides three fingers inside of you. You moan out as he stretches you. “So fucking wet.” He says against your chest. You place your hand on his; wanting to feel the movements he was making to make you feel so good. He stops pumping and instead begins to curls his fingers inside of you, making you squirm beneath him, your hand still gripping his wrist.

He suddenly pulls out and pushes the side of you, telling you to turn over. You do as he wants and he grabs hold of your hips, making you get on your knees. He takes his length and positions himself before pulling you closer so that he enters. You let out a groan at the impact, causing him to immediately start thrusting. He enters you completely, making the slaps of your skin echo along with your moans. You cross your arms and rest your head on them as he continues his deep thrusts into you, the smell of chlorine surrounding you from your hair. You cry out his name as he pulls your hips in harder to meet his thrusts. “I can’t!” you yell out as he gives an even harder thrust. Your walls clench around him, making him release, and you arch your back as you squirt onto him and the bed. Profanities leave your mouth and Harry pulls out allowing you to catch your breath. “Holy shit babe.” He says lying next to you. “You let out so much.” He chuckles and you join with him. You try to get closer to him, but he stops you. “What?” you asked confused. “You smell like pool water Y/N. We’re gonna have to shower.” He winks. He really did like it when you were wet.

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