Zayn- Not That Tired (sexual)

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Zayn had come home from the studio and had fallen asleep while you were in the bathroom. The stubble on his cheek, chin, and above his upper lip made him look so worn out and drained. He would never complain about work though, he loves what he does. When you return to the bedroom, you see he looks like a perfect angel. His hands are on his stomach, head turned on his shoulder, and his hair covered by his beanie. His white long sleeve shirt is pulled up on his arms, showing his many tattoos. You couldn’t wake him up no matter how good he looks right now. You walk over to the bed and reach to turn the lamp off. The click of the lamp causes him to stir and you hold still so that you don’t wake him more. “I know you’re there.” He says with his eyes closed. “Sorry babe. Go back to sleep.” You say quietly, turning for the door.

            “No I’m awake. I was just resting my eyes.” He says, barely audible. “And you still are I see.” You respond, seeing he’s still in the same position with his eyes shut. “Come in bed with me.” Zayn opens his eyes and shifts over so that you can cuddle next to him. “Zayn it’s only 8:00 at night.” “I didn’t say to sleep.” His smile can barely be seen in the now dim lit room, but as you get closer his white teeth can be seen through his cheeky grin. You scoot into his side as he wraps his arm around your shoulder and kisses your forehead. “How are you feeling?” he asks, roaming his fingers on your scalp, massaging your head. “Good.” You’re put off by his question. “Why?” you ask looking up into his face.  “Just making sure my girl is feeling alright,” he pulls you closer into his side. “and I want to know if you need extra attention tonight.”

            Zayn leans over your body when he finishes his sentence and kisses your lips. His free hand moves to your cheek and pulls you in deeper. His tongue works its way into your mouth and you don’t object. His lips are soft and full as they move over yours. You can tell he isn’t sleepy anymore as his tongue passes over yours more passionately. You bring your hand up to his neck, letting him know you want the same thing. You fist his beanie and snatch it off his head revealing his messy fringe. Luckily Zayn was too preoccupied with his lust for you to care what his hair looked like. His lips travel to your neck and he moves so that he straddles you. Your hands snatch at the bottom of his shirt and frantically try to strip his body of it. He sits up, finishing what you can’t, and starts to remove your shirt. His chest and abs are so defined that you can feel every detail in the dark; his body is hot to your touch.

            “Y/N, I want you so bad right now.” He lets out. You grab at his pants and reach for his button and zipper, but he grabs your hands with his and holds them down above your head. His other hand traces a path from your neck down to your stomach and is followed by his lips. Whimpers escape your mouth as you ache for him to touch you lower. He starts to pull down your pants with your panties and you eagerly assist, speeding up the act. He’s now bent down, hovering over your core. You grip the bed sheet with one hand and a pillow with the other, waiting for him to make his next move. You feel Zayn spread your legs more and he places wet kisses on your inner thighs,   making you roll your head from side to side. “Zayn. Please!” you say loudly. “You’re so wet.” He says running his fingers over your folds before entering two. “Ahhh” you moan out as his fingers give you exactly what you want.

            His fingers are no stranger to you, taking no time finding your g-spot. “Oh Zayn, just like that.” “You like that Y/N?” he asks huskily. “Mmm…yeah.” You respond. His fingers increase their speed and your body starts to writhe as you feel that knot forming within you. Your hips buck as you feel his fingers curl inside you, but your pleasure is taken away as they exit. “Zayn!” you yell out, at first in annoyance, but as his tongue flicks your clit, it turns to a shout from pleasure. His tongue works rough circles on your clit and you bring your bottom half closer to his face, asking him to enter his tongue. He complies and you feel his tongue enter and exit you quickly. His thumb is placed onto your nerves, applying pressure that makes you moan repeatedly. “Zayn, I’m close.” You regret saying out loud because he immediately stops afterwards. “Hold it babe. I promise you’ll feel better.” He says while removing his own pants.

            You lie on the bed, the wait is just unbearable. “Hurry Zayn. I need you.” You whine. He come back to you and rubs his head against your opening. “Zayn please.” He lifts both your legs up and rests your feet on his shoulders before entering you slowly. The stretch causes you to moan his name. “Babe, I love how tight you are.” He says once he’s fully entered. You grab at his hair to let him know to move and he does so, slowly. You feel his thrusts deep within you, brushing against your g-spot. Each thrust increasing with power causes your breathing to be difficult. Your heavy gasps of air cause Zayn to go faster instead of harder, allowing your breathing to come down a little. “You alright babe?” Zayn asks through pants. “Mmhmm.” You moan back. His thumb comes down to your clit as his other hand holds your legs tightly on his shoulders, keeping you from bending or taking them off.

            The pleasure is so intense that you don’t know what to do with your hands. He’s too far to grab and gripping the pillows and sheets isn’t want you long to feel anymore. You reach down and move his hand and begin to pleasure yourself. You can hear his moans from seeing what you’re doing. After a few more thrusts, he brings your legs down, allowing your legs to rest and circulate blood regularly, and positions himself above you. You continue rubbing your clit as his thrusts are deep once again. You feel the knot in your stomach, but keep from sharing the detail with him. Your back arches as you release onto him. You’re surprised to feel his juices in you at almost the same exact time. You bring your hand to your stomach and try to get back to a normal breath rate while he rides out his high still inside of you. He grabs your hand and licks it clean before pulling out and lying next you. You turn to him and say “I think I can go to bed now.” You catch his smile in the dark as he says “Good cause I’m exhausted.”

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