Niall- Wedding Vows (sexual)

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“I know I may be big and famous around the world, but you will always be my big brother. I don’t know how you tricked her into marrying you, but I’m glad you did. I know that I can leave home and you’ll have someone looking after you and I couldn’t be any happier about that.” Niall continued giving his speech in front his family and friends. He still had his tux jacket on, his pink tie still intact around his neck. The room erupted into laughter at his slight jokes and awed as he got into sappier topics. The smile on your face was not quick to vanish at the sight of him so happy. You brought your hands together along with the rest of the room as his best man speech came to an end. He made his way over to his seat next to you and sat down, placing his hand on your knee.  “How’d I do?” he asked quietly. “Perfect.” You continued smiling.

            The night continued on and you found yourself searching for your boyfriend. He was by the bar of course, a drink in his hand and a smile on his face. He was taking pictures with some people so you waited on the side until it was okay to move in. He had shed his jacket and tie not long after his speech and now stood with only his dress shirt and vest on his upper half. “Hey darling.” He said when his eyes met yours, a gulp of his beer following after. “Hey, are you enjoying yourself?” “It’s sick seeing everyone. You doing alright?” he asked after seeing a slight smile on your lips. “Yeah, just a bit awkward since I’m meeting a lot of people for the first time.” You responded truthfully. “I’m sure they love you as much as I do.” He said while he set his drink down to pull you into a hug. You, being the klutz that you are, stumbled over your feet as he pulled you forward, your side crashing into him and pushing him into the edge of the bar top. “Sorry, sorry. These shoes and-” “It’s fine.” He laughed. “Really Y/N. I think it’s cute.” Heat rushed to your face as you glanced around making sure no one else caught sight of the clumsy scene.

            Your mind was pulled back to your boyfriend as you felt his slight bulge against your thigh. “Babe…” you said hushed, not wanting anyone else to hear. “Okay, maybe I find it a little more than cute.” He winked. “Come on.” He grabbed your hand tightly and pulled you to follow him. You both had made your way past the many people laughing and celebrating the union that occurred just hours earlier. When you had reached a janitorial closet, Niall rushed both of you inside before anyone entered the hall and saw. It was dark, very dark, but that didn’t stop Niall from easily attaching his lips to your neck. His body moved forward, which caused you to step back and hit the wall, your feet kicking the various objects on the floor out of the way. Your mind was racing as fast as your heart, both from the pleasure his tongue swiped on your neck and the fear of being found out by any of the guests just on the other side of the door. Both made you want more and your aching body refused to push him away.

            Your hands tugged on his hair, pulling his head away from your neck so he could pay attention to more parts of you. His hands lifted up the bottom of your dress, bunching it around your waist. You tried to free his lower half, but the dark and your eagerness prevented you from doing so. Niall moved your hands away, knowing he’d be faster at unfastening the button on his dress pants. Your lips longed for the softness of his, but not for long. When you heard the “swoosh” of his pants as they fell around his ankles, his lips were back on yours, his tongue working over yours quickly. You pushed down your thong and lifted your feet as it hit your ankles. You guided Niall’s hand to your wet center, making him feel how bad you wanted him. “You’re soaking.” He said in your ear when he pulled away from your mouth. You hummed a yes and waited anxiously for him to enter you. “No noises Y/N.” he said before pecking your lips. You hummed another yes right before he entered you.

            He slid right in and gave you no time for adjustment. You were forced to deal with the slight pain momentarily as he continued pounding into you. You were used to screaming his name, to moaning loudly and hearing yourself echo off the walls. Being silent was proving to be difficult as slight noises escaped your lips. Niall removed one of his hands from your waste and placed it over your mouth, shushing you quietly in your ear. “They’ll find us.” He continued thrusting into you, his dick now going deeper, grazing the spot that makes you go crazy. You opened your mouth wide under his hand, using all your strength to stay silent. “Come babe.” Niall grunted with his thrusts. You pushed your chest forward, the arch in your back gave you no choice, and felt yourself release. Niall focused on muffling your sounds before he finished himself. “Fuck, I love you.” He said after he pulled out and rested his head on the seemingly cool wall. “I love you too.” You panted, trying to get your normal breath rate. You reached down to grab your thong, but Niall took them from you. You knew he couldn’t see the confusion on your face, but he somehow knew that’s what you were feeling. “No need. More to come later on.” He said before kissing you. “I’ll check to see if we can leave.”

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