Louis- Taking Up the Beach (sexual)

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It was a pretty warm day so you decided that you would go to the beach. It was just going to be one of those relaxing days for you. After dressing in your navy blue bikini with white polka dots and putting a flowy white shirt dress over it, you head to the beach. As the sand comes into sight so does a large group of people on the sidewalk. No one seemed to be on the beach, except for a few people. “What’s going on?” you ask a lady standing on her tiptoes, trying to catch a glimpse of whoever was on the beach. “A guy rented the beach out for the day. No one is allowed to get on except for his friends.” She responds without looking at you. “Seriously?” Your upset tone still isn’t enough to get the woman’s full attention.

            You walk away and push your way through to get closer to the sand. You snake your way through the bodies, practically yelling excuse me at all the idiots searching for the douche keeping everyone off the beach. When you make your way to the front you trip and fall onto the sand. A huge man wearing a white t-shirt with the word “security” on the front and back came over quickly. “Mam you need to get off the beach. This is a private affair and the beach is closed to the public today.” “I get that. I just fell over and hurt my ankle.” You say holding your ankle, trying to see if it was sprained. “Mam you need to go now!” he raises his voice and leans down, pulling up your arm. “Let go of me! I told you to give me a second! How dare you?!” “Woah! Josh! What are you doing?” a man wearing sunglasses and a wetsuit with a British accent yelled out. “I’m just clearing the beach.” He responds letting go of you. “That’s no way to treat a lady. Are you alright darling?” He says leaning down to your eye level.

            “Yeah I just hurt my ankle. If the security guy would have given me a second I could have gotten up sooner.” You almost hiss back at the large man. The foreign man stood back up and held out his hand for you to grab. “Let’s get some ice on it.” he says flashing you a smile. “It’s not that serious. Plus the guy who bought out the beach probably wouldn’t like me invading.” You say a little thankful for the kind gesture. “I don’t know about that. He kind of has a thing for beautiful ladies.” His words make you blush, especially since he was extremely attractive. The wet suit clung to his tight body well and before you knew it you were following him closer to the water where a few coolers sat in the sand. “What’s your name?” you ask once you take a seat on a towel in the sand. He hands you a small bag of ice he got out the cooler before responding. “Louis.” “Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.” You smile, feeling a lot cooler now that you were by the water.

            You look around and see a few girls and guys in the water, splashing around and laughing. “So which is the one who bought out the entire beach?” you ask pointing to the group in the water. “That would actually be me.” Louis says with a little smirk. You’re a little taken aback by the reveal, but you don’t let that stop you from speaking what’s on your mind. So you just woke up and thought ‘I think I’ll keep loads of people off the beach today’?” “Something like that.” His smirk was still on his face. “Ugh.” You let out. You go to stand up, but he put a hand on your thigh. “Stay. I like you.” Something about his touch sent a shiver up your spine and his words kept you frozen. “You may think I’m a complete jerk for renting out the beach, but I can tell you want me Y/N. Let’s not make this difficult.” You wanted to tell him off badly, but he was completely right. Even though you knew nothing about him, his looks had you drawn in.

            “Josh!” he yells a minute after you say nothing. “Yeah boss?” “Make sure the rest of the guys enjoy themselves. I’m going to head home. I’ll let you know if I’m coming back.” The large man nods his head and returns to his position. “Let’s go darling.” Louis says standing above you. You have no idea what possessed you to follow him to his car, but before you knew it you were at his place. You stepped into the house and Louis took no time getting you to the bedroom. “Are you comfortable?” he asks once you’re sat on his bed, taking his sunglasses off. “Mhm” you reply, nodding your head. “Good.” He sits next to you and moves into kiss you. “Wait!” you shout quickly, putting a finger to his lips. “What is it?” “Are we really going to do this?  I don’t even know you.” “Darling you know my name and where I live. You’re already over here and I know you want me to give you a good fuck, so to answer your question, yes.” With that his lips are on yours.

            His kissing is rough and his bites on your bottom lip sting a bit. He lays you down and his weight is slightly on you, but it only excites you more. His tongue flicks at your lips and you open your mouth to match his actions. His mouth tastes sweet and tropical. His hand runs up your thigh roughly and you exhale deeply as his grip tightens. His bites move to your neck and you let out a small cry as he takes a sensitive spot in between his teeth. “Strip.” He commands, pulling himself off of you to get out his wetsuit. He reaches behind himself to pull the zipper and you can see the lust in his blue eyes. It doesn’t scare you though. You pull the white dress above your head and when you bring your eyes back to the body in front of you, you see he’s fully naked. His perfectly tanned body and defined abs slowed you undressing, causing him pull your bikini bottom off himself.

            “You’re so wet. Already? I knew I liked you when I first saw you.” His earlier smirk appears again. He bites your thigh lightly before coming back to you freshly licked lips. Without a warning, he shoves two fingers in and you let out a small gasp against his lips. His other hand unties your top expertly, revealing your chest to him. As he pumps his fingers in and out of you, he sucks on your nipples, roughly tugging at them with his teeth every now and then. You start to thrust your hips upward, but he moves his hand to your hips to hold you down. “No no Y/N. If you want more you’re going to have to work for it.” He pulls his fingers out and your body immediately yearns to be filled again. Louis lifts himself up and grabs his large length in his hand. “Well what do you say?” Desperate to have him fill you again, you rush to your knees and wrap your lips around his head.

            “Ooomf.” He lets out as you start swirling your tongue around his tip, tasting his salty precum. His hand buries in your hair, adding a little pressure to the back of your head. You take more of him in your mouth. Knowing you won’t be able to fit all of him, you start to pump the rest with your hand. You look up at him and see his head fall back. “Yes.” He breathes out as you start to bob your head on his cock. With his hand in your hair, he starts to turn around to sit on the bed. You follow him while on your knees and suck harder, hoping to not lose contact with his dick. Once he’s seated you start swirling your tongue against the side of his cock again, making him release sounds above you. You bring your other hand to squeeze his balls a little and this makes him moan out loud. You do it repeatedly until he pulls your head off him. “Not like that.” He pulls you up and tells you to get back on the bed.

He reaches into a drawer and pulls out a condom, opening it quickly and rolling it down his cock. He pumps a couple times and comes back to you, pushing your legs open. He enters into you and you let out a yell from the stretch. When he’s completely inside you, he pauses a moment before pulling out and slamming back into you. He goes at a quick pace and you soon get used to the feeling. You claw at his shoulders as his brown hair drips sweat onto you. Moans leave your mouth with each thrust and soon you are meeting his hips. You hear him grunting above you, you assume holding back his release. He suddenly stops and pulls you up. You wrap your legs tightly around his waist and he pushes your back up against the wall. The new position allows him to reach your g-spot and your yells are louder than before. His hands on your hips allow him to thrusting harder into you and finally you’re forced to yell “I can’t!”

            Your orgasm comes and you can see he’s reached his. He leans his forehead against your shoulder and run your hand through his wet hair. He carries you over to the bed after catching his breath and lies you down before falling into it himself. “You do not know how hard that was for me. Do you know how tight you are?” he says tiredly. “No, but thanks for doing all that work.” You say smiling back. You start to laugh at a thought making Louis question you. “I just thought about how this was just supposed to be a relaxing kind of day.” You laugh again. “What’s more relaxing than a great fuck Y/N?” you smile at him again, with no way to argue. 

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