Niall- Yard Boy (sexual)

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I sat in my circle chair on my bedroom balcony, pen in hand, notebook in lap, and the sun shining down. It was a warm day and I was hoping that being outside would help me concentrate on my assignment: a one page paper on what I felt was the most important theme in the book, Night, by Elie Wiesel. It was not the most riveting assignment, but at least it was just a page long. The blank page in front of me sure enough began to fill with the ink from my pen as I wrote a lot of bullshit fluff that somehow still made sense. The sound of a lawn mower pulled my attention away when I was a third of the way in. I peered up from the page and immediately set my sight on the source. A blonde guy wearing a loose fitting tank, with shorts and a cap, was pushing a lawn mower up and down the lawn across the street.

He wasn’t exactly any guy. He was the same yard boy who did the majority of my neighbors’ lawns and he was extremely attractive. He looked about my age, but I never seen him in school or anywhere a regular teen would be.  The only thing I knew about him was, well, he knew a lot about lawn care. The sweat making his skin shine was an obvious indicator that he was working hard. Even from across the street and high above him, I could see the definition in his muscular arms, his shoulder blades being clear as the sky whenever his back faced me.  When he reached the end of the lawn, he turned the mower off and crossed his arm over his chest, stretching I assume. I felt like a creep staring at his every move, but I couldn’t look away from his godly appearance. I found myself wanting him as I saw him remove his snapback and run his fingers through his long, sweaty, dirty, golden hair. I shifted in my seat as I felt myself getting wet.

I saw him lift his head up and I quickly looked back to the notebook in my lap, hoping he didn’t catch me gawking at him. I peeked back up but didn’t see him. I let out a breath of air, hoping that he was done and I could continue with my assignment without any more interruptions. When my thought had finished, I heard the sound of the doorbell. I got up, tossing the notebook and pen in the seat, and headed inside. Once I got downstairs and opened the door, my query to where the distracting yard boy had gone was answered. The unexpected sight of him was definitely not helping the ache between my legs. “Uh, hi. Are your parents home?” Too distracted by his surprising Irish accent, I was barely able to process his question. I quickly pulled myself together to answer. “No. They’re gone for the day. Is there something I can help you with?” His eyes were blue, a bright blue. Another thing I hadn’t known yet made me even more attracted to him.

 “I just wanted to see if they were interested in hiring me is all. I’ll be back in this area in a couple days; hopefully they’ll be back then. Thanks.” He turned away, but before he could take one step down my mouth blurted out “would like a drink?” I definitely was not thinking with my brain at the moment, but it was too late to take it back. I decided to redeem myself a bit. “I saw you were working hard. Maybe I could get you a drink to cool you down?”  When he turned back around, a bright smile was spread across his face. His smile was perfect. “Yeah, thanks. A glass of water would be great.” I pull the door open more, moving to the side allowing him to enter. “Nice place you got here” he says following behind me to the kitchen. “Thank you.” I grab a glass out of the cupboard, fill it with ice and water, and hand it to him. His hands were filthy, covered with dirt and grass stains. “So you like taking care of lawns?” I’m not the greatest at small talk, but it would be even more awkward if I just stared at him drinking water.

“I’m good at it, so I don’t mind much. I’m just saving up money right now” he said before drinking the last of the water. “For what?” “I wanna move to L.A. and…well get a record deal.” A smile grew on my face. No wonder I never saw him at school. He was one of those people who felt they didn’t need school because they were going it make it “big.” “Don’t smile like that. I will do it one day,” he stated defensively. My smile quickly faded, realizing how rude I must seem. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I just-I always wondered why I never saw you around, except for working on lawns.” He seemed to be a little skeptical of my answer. “So are you like, in a band?” I ask taking the cup and placing it in the sink. “No, a solo artist. I sing and play guitar.” “How hot.” “Excuse me?” Crap. I said that aloud. I turned around quickly. “How cool. I wish I could play an instrument…or sing.” There was that skeptical look again. “Yeah, well I’d be available to give you lessons if you’d like.” “Really?” I laugh, not exactly taking him serious.

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