Harry- Biggest Fan (sexual)

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Somehow you did it. You managed to get not only Harry Styles’ attention, but an invite to his hotel room. Never in a million years would you have thought you would be good enough for him to even look at, but here you stood, outside his room as he fumbled with the key card at the door. You knew exactly what was running through his mind, but you didn’t care. If Harry wanted sex from you, you sure as hell weren’t going to pass up the chance. You follow him inside once he gets the door open and stand still, your eyes continue concentrating on his movements. He empties his pockets onto the top of the drawer and sits on the edge of the bed. His hands are placed behind him, allowing him to lean back. “So you say you’re my biggest fan?” his deep voice pierces the silence in the room. You take a step forward and let out a confident “yes” as you stare at his eyes. You see his eyes take you in from head to toe then back up again. “Show me” he commands, sitting up and pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it onto the floor.

            This was your moment of truth. You walk toward him, removing your shirt and tossing it carelessly. You step in between his parted legs and kiss him passionately, knowing you’ll never have the chance to do it again. Your hands find the button to his pants easily and you hold back your smile as you think about how you will finally know how Harry gets out of his tight jeans. You pull away, witnessing Harry’s dark green eyes as you move quickly to pool your shorts around your ankles. When you hook your thumbs into your panties to pull them down, Harry stands abruptly to finish undressing himself. To see him stark naked is everything you dreamed of and here the sight is, in front of you. Once nude you connect your lips with his again and turn him so he’ll walk backwards to the bed. When his legs hit it, he sits down and you know what you have to do.

You drop to your knees and take hold of his large length. You stroke from the base to the tip before pumping at an even pace. Harry’s hands are on your shoulders and as his grip tightens you attach your lips to the head of his cock, swirling your tongue around his slit. You hear curses being breathed out above you which only motivate you more. You take all of his length into your mouth and feel him let go of your shoulders as he hits the back of your throat, causing you to gag around him. You bob your head quickly and bring your hand up to massage his balls. The movement together became too much for him and he pulled you off, saying “stop” repeatedly in a breathless and desperate tone. You come up from your knees and kiss him, your tongue passing over his, tasting his glorious mouth. His hands hold your waist as you deepen the kiss, relishing the moment you were in.

You leaned forward, motioning Harry to lay back. He detaches his lips from yours and positions himself further onto the bed. “The condom is on the drawer,” he says motioning to it. You walk over, quickly finding it and tearing it open. You get onto the bed and rest in between his legs so you can roll the latex ring down his erection. “Hurry,” he orders. You lift up and grab his dick so that you can settle onto him. You push the tip of him in you slowly, not wanting to feel much pain, but Harry has other plans. He slams straight into you and you use everything in you to hold back the noise you wanted to make. An evil grin forms on Harry’s face and you can’t help but grin in shock. “I said hurry” are the only words he says before continuing to thrust upwards. You start to lift up and slam down onto him; meeting his thrusts and feeling an immense amount of pleasure yourself.

            After a bit your energy wears out and Harry takes the opportunity to take control. You find yourself on your back as he thrusts quickly and deeply into you, hitting a spot that makes you scream his name. His hand quickly covers your mouth, muffling you. Your hand grips his bicep while the other passes through his hair before gripping onto the bed. You feel it building, that orgasm you want to both experience and not experience. You want to release around Harry’s dick, but you also don’t want the moment to be over. As his hand uncovers your mouth to attach to your clit, you know you no longer have a choice. You let go and see your vision turn white and blur as your back arches off the bed and both hands pull at the sheet beneath you. “Fuck” Harry says above you, finishing with one last deep thrust into you, causing another wave to pass through your body. It’s over just like that and you’re both happy and devastated.

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