Harry- ATM Meeting (sweet)

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You kept the straight line you had been walking in for the past 5 minutes, hoping you would see him there. You really needed to go to the ATM to get money, but you really wanted to go because you had that chance of seeing him. You had no clue who he was, but his intense green eyes and brown curls made you intrigued. There was something about him that made you crave the sight of him. You would never be brave enough to speak to him and you were okay with that, it’s not like he would be interested in someone like you. No, a glimpse of his perfect face and tall figure was just fine.

The machine comes into sight, all alone, there is no one around. You knew there was a bigger chance of him not being here so you weren’t too let down. You pull out your wallet and go through the usual motions for completing the transaction. Once you take the money, you impatiently wait for the receipt to come out. Your hand hovers around the slot the paper comes out of and snatches it out before quickly turning away. “Oomf!” you let out after running into an unexpected body. “I’m so sorry.” You say pushing your hands out to back away and regain your balance. You are horrified to see it was him you had turned into. “No worries babe.” He flashed a cheeky smile revealing a dimple on his left cheek. Your body freezes at the foreign sight. You knew he was attractive, but his smile was breathtaking. “Umm…are you alright?”

His words snap you out of your thoughts. “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Sorry again.” You say embarrassed by your zoning out in front of him. You can feel your cheeks warming faster at the thought of you blushing in front of him. “Good.” He says. You give a little smirk as he continues to look at you. “I can’t exactly get to the machine with-” “Oh sorry.” You cut him off, once again embarrassed by your actions. “It’s fine.” He says with a chuckle. You feel your heart beat faster as you realize that you had never heard him spoke until now. His voice was deep and raspy. It had a sort of confidence in it. You realize that you look like a weirdo still standing there and start to walk away before he gets freaked out.

“Really? You’re just going to walk away?”  He yells out as you get farther away. You turn around to see if he was talking to you. He’s still looking at the ATM, wallet in hand, but a huge smile was on his face. “I’m sorry?” you say confused, waiting for him to elaborate. He turns his face toward your direction. “I see you here at least once a week, sometimes more and hope that one of these times I will find out your name. I come here sometimes just hoping I will see you and you bump into me just now…and I just have to know.” He grabs his money and receipt and shoves it into his wallet before striding towards you. “I thought I was crazy for never making a move, but after seeing the way you looked at me back there, I’m positive you’re at least a bit interested in me.”

Your mind is racing as fast as your heart listening to his words. You desperately wanted to tell him that you always come to the ATM hoping to see him too and how much you always think of him asking if you’d like to grab a tea. How seeing his smile a moment ago blew you away and that you craved to get to know him. You see his smile fall slowly as time passes without a response from you. “Y/N.” You say calmly to your surprise. “My name is “Y/N.” His smile comes back into sight as one forms across your face. “Harry.” His name suited him. It oddly matched his curls, if that makes any sense. “I thought you’d be scared after I just admitted I stalk you.” He jokes. “I…actually do the same thing so I’m more thankful I’m not alone.” His eyes widen a bit before he asks if you have any plans at the moment. “No, I’m free for the rest of the day.” “Good. I would love to grab a bite to eat with you Y/N.” he says, his smile never faltering. “I’d like that Harry.” You respond before he holds out his hand waiting for you to start walking. “By the way, I am a bit interested in you.” You say as you both head to the main street where you’ll find a restaurant and finally get to know each other.

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