Liam- In the Gym (sexual)

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You walked into the gym, knowing you'd see him again. He came here 6 times a week, always the same time; always the same routine. He was gorgeous, but intimidating. Something about him intrigued you and you wanted nothing more than to approach him. You could never do that though. You've seen him deny other girls who were brave enough to approach him, who were much nicer to look at than you. He never really spoke to anyone, female or male. You found him working on his arms and got on an elliptical that gave you a perfect view of him. His features were always serious, a smile never creeping onto his face for any reason. The sweat on his body ran down his chest, forehead, and arms, making thoughts run through your mind. There are some people who look like they knew how to fuck and this man was definitely one of them.

You were brought back to reality when another girl had gotten on the machine next to you. Feeling embarrassed about having such thoughts while in public, you left to the showers, but stopped to fill your water bottle. When you turned around, you ran into a wall. Well, it felt that way. When you stepped back and realized what happened, your eyes met his. "I'm, I'm so sorry. I didn't- I wasn't looking." "That's a first." His voice was unlike anything you'd imagined, a British accent being clearly heard. A look of confusion crossed your face as you tried to understand what he meant. "You usually never take your eyes off me." You froze at his words even though your brain was screaming for you to run away, to get out as fast as you can. You felt your cheeks warm, getting even more embarrassed about not having responded to his comment yet. “I’m thirsty,” he said straight faced. You found yourself able to move again, taking a step to the side so he could get water.

The movement must have been a fluke because you were still there, not even looking at him. The shock of him speaking to you, along with him calling you out and running into him, was too overwhelming for you to function normally. “Follow,” he commanded. Your body obeyed, although you had no idea why. He led you to one of the studios were classes were taught. This one was empty. You had no idea what was going through his mind. His expression never changed once and he showed no signs of it doing so. “Do you want me?” he said not turning around to face you. “Excuse me?” “Do. You. Want. Me?” He asked again, making sure every word was clearly said. When you failed to answer, he turned around slowly. “Was I mistaken? Do you stare at me innocently; no images of us fucking at all coming to mind?” You don’t reply.

“My bad then. Carry on,” he said walking past you to the door. You turned quickly before he could exit. “No wait!” you practically yelled, making him stop. The word left your mouth before you could even comprehend what you were saying. “Yes.” He didn’t turn around, but he didn’t hesitate either. Instead, he closed the door and made his way back to you, not in a rush, but casually. He placed his lips on yours, his hand on your cheek pulling you into the kiss. You were caught off guard, but it wasn’t like you had never thought of this moment happening. You walked backwards, his hands moving to your hips and guiding you to the wall. His mouth moved to your neck once your back hit the wall, causing you to gasp.  His fingers made their way under the elastic band of your shorts and into your panties, quickly finding your clit.

His other hand covers your mouth, holding all of your body against the wall. You close your eyes as his pressure increases. Your moans are muffled by his hand and you find your hips bucking forward, wanting more. His hand works its way down further into your shorts and he swipes two of his fingers up your wet center before pulling them out of your shorts. He brings them to his mouth and passes his tongue over them, tasting you. “Not bad,” he says before returning them to their previous spot. He pushes both fingers into you, not wasting time starting with one. Everything was moving so fast, but you couldn’t say no; you didn’t want to say no. Your fingers ran through his short quiffed hair as he pumped his into you. He moved quickly, making you wriggle from the pleasure he was causing.

He pulled his fingers out, leaving you to feel empty momentarily as he pulled your shorts down your legs. You moved your ands quickly to the band of his shorts, knowing exactly why he had stopped. You found him to be massive, most likely why he had started with two fingers. He grabbed his erection in hand and pumped himself a few times, rubbing the tip against your clit. You yearned for him, but couldn’t tell him since your mouth was still covered. He didn’t trust you to be quiet and you couldn’t blame him. You hadn’t stop moaning since he started and didn’t think you’d be able to. He pushed inside of you and every thought running in your mind vanished. You moaned at the pain you were feeling, but felt pleasure soon enough. His thrusts were deep and hard, quickly hitting all the right spaces. You lifted your leg to his waist once your shorts fell around your ankles and you got your leg free from the fabric. His free hand gripped your thigh, pushing deeper into you, making your orgasm build fast.

He stared into your eyes for as long as you kept them open. A few more thrusts later and you reached your orgasm, your walls contracting around him and your body getting weak. Liam quickly pulled out and took a step back when you were finished. He pumped himself quickly, finishing on the floor. You leaned on the wall, trying to level your breathing. You fought to keep your eyes open, watching his every move. He pulled on his shorts and walked to a grab a towel from the counter where there were, making sure to clean up the mess he made. He tossed it in the dirty pile and grabbed a fresh one, taking it over to you. “Here,” he said, holding it out to you. You cleaned up a little and pulled your bottoms back at while he waited at the door. Once you disposed of the towel he opened the door to leave. “Wait. I didn’t catch your name.” He turned around, his face still the same as it had been. “Liam.”

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