Harry- Anger is My Fuel (sexual)

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“Go away!” you yell at Harry as he drives slowly beside you as you walk on the sidewalk. “Could you just stop so we can talk Y/N?” he pleads. “No. Go talk to all those girls you were chatting up at the event.” “I was just talking to them. It was nothing.” You stop and look at him; his green eyes staring at you and seat belt across his tan jumper. “Harry, just go.” “I’m not going anywhere, so get in the car…or our argument will be the headline on every magazine.” He says pointing to the paparazzi that was getting closer to you two. You could see the smirk he was trying to hold back, knowing you hated to be in the public eye. After emitting a sound of annoyance, you get in the car and Harry speeds off, increasing the distance from the paparazzi.

            The car stayed silent and you kept your face turned to the window, eliminating the satisfaction he would get if you looked at him. “Are you really not going to talk to me?” He lets out a sound of playful disbelief without taking his eyes off the road. You cross your legs toward the window to move your body further away from him. “Y/N. Come on. You’re overreacting.” You weren’t falling for that. He was trying to rile you up so that you would talk to him, even if it was yelling profanities at him. Harry was taking a long way to the hotel, turning down various empty small streets. Suddenly you jerked forward then back, and again, and again. Harry was driving and pressing the break repeatedly. “You can’t just ignore me.” You say nothing as your back repeatedly hits the seat. “Sure is going to take a long time to reach the hotel at this rate.” He says egging you on.

            “Harry stop being ridiculous!” you yell out to him. “There it is.” He says smiling. You roll your eyes and turn back to the window as his driving normalizes. “Do you really want to ignore me again?” you hear a playful sigh follow after. Why was he treating this situation so lightly? You couldn’t deal with all the jerking again so you decide if you had to talk to him, you’d play around as well. “Harry,” he glances at you, showing off his smirk, “I didn’t like you talking to those girls because I needed you.” You say emphasizing “needed.” Harry’s smirk drops and you can tell he knew what you meant. When he glances at you, you can see his eyes darkened with the idea you put into his head. “Now I see why you were so upset.” He says almost seriously.

            He lets go of the wheel and moves his hand to your knee. When he begins to move it up your thigh, you smack it away. “Harry! How could seriously believe that?!” You can see annoyance wash over his face. “Why the hell would you even say that?!” he lets out. “Are you mental? What is going on with you?” he says shaking his head and pulling the car over and turning it off. “How would you feel if I did that to you Y/N?” “At least you’d be paying attention to me and not a bunch of other girls.” You lash back. Harry pulls you into him and attaches your lips, trying to overpower you. Of course you would be turned on by this…No! You could not do this right now. You push you r hands against his chest, separating yourself from him. “No Harry. That’s not going to fix this. I don’t care how horny you are.” “You aren’t even really mad. You do this all the time.” He says turning back to turn the car on. He was right. You weren’t even at the event anymore. He was with you. It’s just the tabloids get to you and it’s always the opposite sex that wants his attention. He just cares too much to turn them away.

            You make it to the hotel and head up. “We aren’t done with this Y/N.” he says heading into the bathroom. You feel really bad about everything and decide to make it up to him in an absurd way. You go through your clothes and change into your black lingerie so quickly you surprise yourself. You really are mental… You wait on the side of the door for Harry to come out. After the sink stops running, the door opens and Harry steps out looking for you. You slide behind him and place a tie over his eyes. “What are you doing?” “Don’t move. This is my way of making it up to you.” You finish tying the makeshift blindfold and guide him to the bed. “Are you going to get mad again if I think you’re serious again?” Harry asks cautiously. You lean into his ear and seductively say “Not a chance.” When you pull away you leave a kiss on his smile.

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