Harry- Three Short Stories (sweet)

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Three short imagines that were requested.


“Do you have to go to the studio today?” you ask Harry as he packs a bag. “You’re more than welcome to come.” He says without making eye contact with you. “I’ll just be in the way.” You sigh sitting on the bed. Harry comes over and sits next to you. “Please come.” He places his hand on your knee, making you turn to meet his green eyes and cheeky grin. “What am I going to do while you work?” you ask, thinking realistically. “Umm…” his head looks around the room trying to think of something. “Got it!” he announces excitedly, getting up from the bed. He grabs the camera off the table and hands it to you. “Take pictures. We can frame the best ones.” “Really? Pictures Harry?” He nods his head, still grinning. “This will be our first.” He connects his lips to yours and clicks the button, catching you off guard. You laugh and give in to his idea. You two leave and as you ride in the car you think of what you’ll take pictures of; definitely not yourself, but maybe the other guys in the studio. You’ll probably catch them off guard when they do something crazy. When you get out the car you ask Harry if you can get a pic, but he shies away, teasing you about not wanting to be photographed. You pretend to give up and when he lifts his hair out his face you jump in front of him, making him laugh, and snap a picture. That was definitely your favorite shot of the day.


You got invited to an art showing and were feeling down about having to go alone. Harry was the one who got the invites and he was stuck at the studio. You felt awkward being around all the other people who had some idea of what all the art was about and what it represented. You wandered around by yourself, not having enough courage to mingle with the other people gazing at the same pieces as you. You turned around and thought you saw Harry, a smile spread on your face. When you moved closer, you didn’t see him anywhere. You took a deep breath, realizing you just imagined him being here. You moved onto the next piece and caught him this time very clear. He must have lost sight of you because you saw him searching over his shoulder. When his eyes meet yours, he smiles, knowing he’s been caught. He walked to you and kissed your cheek. “What are you doing here?”  “I was waiting for the right moment to surprise you. You caught me though.” You smiled and gave him a hug. “It was the curls. I can always sense when they’re near.” He chuckled, glad that you were at least a bit surprised.


You were in the airport four hours before you needed to board your flight since you couldn’t get a ride from anyone later on. Great, what was there to do in an airport on, your own, for a whole four hours? You stayed sitting in a seat, staring at the television screen that was set up in the ceiling’s corner, not paying much attention to what was being said. After an hour or so your legs became restless and shifting them was no longer working. You decided to get up and walk around. You turned a corner and saw a huge group of girls standing near a door, causing you to join them in hopes of finding out what the gathering was for. “What’s going on?” you ask, stepping on your tip toes, waiting for someone to answer. “Harry Styles is supposed to be getting off the plane any minute now” a girl practically squeals.

            A smile came to your face for two reasons, the first being how amusing the girl sounded and the second being the opportunity to see Harry Styles in person. After another minute, the doors opened up and the uproar of screeching voices began. Lights flashed from everywhere and “Harry” could be heard in all directions. He was wearing a Ramones t shirt with tight skinny jeans, a pretty signature look for him. You moved with the crowd around him and soon found your phone in your hand, your voice shouting “Harry can I get a picture!” You somehow managed to get right by him and didn’t have to yell as loud. The famous front man gave up on making a clean break and stopped to sign a few autographs. A circle of girls stood around him, paparazzi as well. “Harry, do you think I could get a picture?” you say calmly. He turns around and you lean into his side. You hold your phone up and take the picture, a “thank you” leaving your lips as you start to make your way out of the chaos. You hear him say “your welcome love” before you completely left the crowd.

            When you look at the picture you see it wasn’t the best picture, his and your face was cut off, but you didn’t mind that much. You could tell people you met the Harry Styles and even touched him. Your stomach growled so you sat at a Starbucks you spotted and ordered a pastry. You were still feeling tingly from all the excitement you were a part of a while ago and didn’t want to drink any coffee, knowing it would have you bouncing off the walls. When you finish eating you look up to spot the trash and notice Harry at the cash register. Two times in one day you were in such a close vicinity to this hot celebrity. You choose not to pester him again, since there are no people around this time, and go throw away your trash. When you turn around, he’s right behind you. You pause not knowing how to react. “Hey, did that picture turn out okay?” he saws throwing a balled up napkin away. You smile when you realize he remembers you and nod your head. “That’s good.” He smiles back at you and you almost can’t hold yourself up. Finally you find some words to say. “I’m Y/N.” “Nice to meet you Y/N.” Hearing your name from his lips was a dream come true. “Mind keeping me company for a bit. I’m supposed to get on a connecting flight, but it’s delayed.” “Sure. I have time to kill as well.” You smile back and head over to a table with him.

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