Harry- Taxi Head (sexual)

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One Direction just won their award for Global Success at the Brit Awards and you couldn’t be happier for your boyfriend’s success. Actually you couldn’t be hornier. As he jumps up screaming in celebration of the win, you see his curls flop up and back down. You immediately know that they’ll be doing that a lot more, later in the night. He and the boys hug each other proudly and head on stage to thank everyone for the acknowledgement. As the show wraps up, you and Harry head to the back before he has to start his interviews. “Congrats Haz.” “Thanks lo-” You grip his jacket flaps tightly and pull him into a kiss, cutting him off. You usually swoon at Harry calling you love, but you didn’t want to be lovey-dovey right now.  The kiss catches him off guard, but he doesn’t dare object.

He moves forward into the kiss, forcing you against the wall. Your hands stay tightly on his jacket as his find your hips and trail upwards on your sides. Your excitement is disturbed as you hear more people coming to the back. “To be continued later.” Harry says looking into your eyes lustfully. You bite the side of your bottom lip and nod your head, releasing your tight hold. He kisses the top of your head and turns to find the rest of the lads. You head back out to find Eleanor.

“Do you have your bag of goods Y/N?” she asks once you find her. “No. Harry told me he’d keep it with his.” You force yourself to stay composed when you say his name. If Eleanor knew your thoughts, it’d be seconds until Louis and the rest of the guys would be teasing you about it. “You alright?” she asks suspiciously. “Of course. Our boyfriend’s just won a massive award.” You say grinning wide. “I know! I can’t believe it.” she says reciprocating a huge smile. “Really El? You can’t believe our extremely fit guys are popular all over the world by girls and guys?” you say sarcastically. She rolls her eyes and you two head on out to the after party.

Harry spends his time talking to everyone and drinking some more, but he never takes his eyes off of you for more than a minute. As you make light conversation with the different intoxicated celebrities, you tune out to catch Harry’s eyes removing your dress from a few feet away. When he finds a second alone, he motions you to the bar with a tilt of his head. You excuse yourself from the group and try to walk normally to the gorgeous nineteen years old who was all yours. “You having fun?” he says in your ear so you can hear over the music. “I can think of some other things I’d like to do instead.” You shoot back.

You can see the liquor he’s consumed in his eyes and, although you’ve been drinking yourself, you don’t think you’re at his level. When Harry drinks a lot, he doesn’t do his best in bed, but you aren’t upset. You just want to make him feel good tonight; you get a rush when you make him cum without him doing anything. Looks like that’s exactly what will be happening tonight. You smirk as you go through the countless possibilities of the night. You run your fingers down his are sleeve as he reaches for his drink, causing him to look back at you with intense eyes. “We’ll be leaving soon.” He says changing his expression, plastering a huge smile on his face. You kiss him on the cheek quickly, preventing any photos.

Finally the party is over and Harry decides he’s ready to go. You head out and catch the cab while Harry gets caught by the paps and takes a few pictures. You’re so close to what you want you can almost taste it. That’s exactly what you’re going to do actually. Harry gets in the cab and once the paparazzi stop capturing pictures of you two you rub your hand on his thigh, working your way up to his dick. He throws his head back and parts his lips, allowing him to steady his breathing. “Babe…” he whispers as you rub him through his fabric. You catch him unexpectedly when you unbutton his trousers and pull his length out, exposing him to the back of the cab.

His head shoots forward and looks at you, but before he can say anything you’ve moved onto your knees and place your lips around him. He lets out a soft moan as you suck the head of his cock. You look up at his eyes and see that he’s focused on the driver; most likely making sure that his eyes are focused on driving rather than the extremely famous celebrity getting head in the back of his car. Harry glances down at you as you take more of him in your mouth. You can see how bad he’s restraining himself, not to make any loud noises that would bring attention to you. This turns you on even more and you can feel a heat in between your thighs. You roll your tongue around his shaft and catch a glimpse of his eyes rolling along.

You quicken your bobbing and Harry leans his head forward, still breathing through his mouth. You know that you can’t be far away from your destination now and suck harder trying to get him to cum before you get there. He brings his hand to your head, realizing what you’re trying to do. His eyes are closed and he brings his hand up to move his curls off of his slightly sweaty forehead. As you alternate between forceful sucks and rolling your tongue on his shaft, Harry starts to twitch. With his hand on still by his face, head tilted down, eyes closed, and mouth open slightly, Harry releases into your mouth.

Luckily it’s at the same time the cab comes to a stop. You make it to your seat and you see that the windows are a bit foggy. You blush as you see the driver with a smirk on his face. Harry obviously notices too because he gives the man a large tip. “Thanks.” Haz says suggestively after buttoning his pants. “Have a good evening.” He says with an even bigger smirk on his face as you both get out of the car, Harry barely keeping his balance.

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