Niall- Noticed at a Concert (sexual)

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You finally get to go to a One Direction concert. 116 days. That’s how long you waited patiently to see your idols live. You ran over all the different scenarios that could happen tonight in your head. What you would say if they actually walked past you on their way in, what you would do if you saw Paul or Josh, how you would hold back your tears, or how you would play it cool if you talked to the boys after the concert. The possibilities were endless. Your best friend thought you were being ridiculous, and she was probably right. Out of all the screaming girls, why would Harry or Niall be interested in you? To be honest the other lads had girlfriends so you really could only hope to catch the attention of the two most popular members. Great, no way was that happening, but that was not going to ruin your night. You had a good seat and you had no curfew.

            Finally they start to let people in and you part ways with your friend. She was in a different section because she didn’t have enough money to purchase her ticket with you. You waved as she headed up the stairs to the balcony sections and you followed the line to the sections on the floor. Surprisingly you were able to snag a ticket in the third row directly in the middle of the stage. You realize it was definitely worth 116 days of waiting when 5 Seconds of Summer finish their set. The arena gets dark and the boys come out. You yell your lungs out, enjoying the moment that finally arrived. You see Liam run across the stage. Zayn strolls across. Louis and Harry cross paths, not looking at each other. Then there was Niall. For the most part he remained in the center of the stage and you had no complaints. Directioners aren’t supposed to have favorites, but his blue eyes and Irish accent just made an exception for you.

            Your heart nearly froze when he looked directly at you; at least you thought he was looking at you. You cheer loudly, accepting that he looked at you; your mind wouldn’t let you think differently. As they went on through the set list you couldn’t help, but feel he was actually looking at you. His eyes met yours, a lot. When you watched videos of their concerts in other places, Niall was everywhere on the stage. Why was he spending so much time in the center tonight? You wouldn’t have thought more about it if Harry hadn’t made eye contact with you after Niall spoke in his ear. You could feel yourself blushing when his green eyes met yours. Was this seriously happening? You know Harry had hung out with a fan after a concert before, but is that something Niall would do? The guys exit the stage for their clothes change and you look at the screen to watch the video. A couple minutes into the showing, you feel someone tap your shoulder. You look at the girl in front of you and see her point to the man in front of her. He points to the aisle on the right and you nod letting him know you understand. You excuse yourself out and make your way to the security.

            “Your number has been requested. If you don’t mind I’ll take it and run it back stage.” Your face shows shock and you freeze trying to remember if you woke up this morning. “Before the video is over.” He says politely. “Uh, yeah. Sure. Sure.” You agree, finally having his words sink in. He pulls out a small pad of paper and pen from his pocket and writes your number down. “If I were you I’d stay nearby after the show.” He says turning away. “Of course.” He most likely didn’t hear you say. When you turn back to return to your seat, you see all eyes on you. They were filled with surprise, jealousy, happiness, along with other emotions. As you made your way back to the seat, you saw girls faces light up above their phone screens. You were definitely going to be getting some unwanted attention starting tonight.

            The boys return on stage and you have no doubt in your mind that Niall was the one who requested your number. He was definitely making more eye contact with you and smiling. You were trying your best to keep from freaking out, especially in his sight. That would be embarrassing to say the least. The show continued on and the boys were their usual selves. When Niall gives his speech at the end, you can see him trying his best to look at the entire crowd, but he also seems to talk directly to you. They finish the concert, the confetti falls, and the majority of girls start weeping as the moment officially ends. You get a message from your friend asking where you’ll meet her at. After thinking about how to respond you quickly type that your parents had decided to pick you up, taking back your “no curfew” for the night. She had a big mouth and you didn’t want her to start rumors that would backfire.

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