Zayn- Quicky Between Change (sexual)

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You waited backstage at the O2 to surprise Zayn. He didn’t know you were coming and you just couldn’t wait to see the look on his face at the sight of you. You peek out and see Liam jumping up, singing the last chorus to One Thing. According to the set list their outfit change was next. When they exit the stage, you watch as they rush past you, heading to the changing area, but jump out in front of Zayn. “Y/N! What are you doing here!?” he yells out in shock with a giant smile forming on his face. “Surprise.” You say giving him a kiss. Niall runs past you two, shouting “Oi! Zayn move it!” Zayn grabs your hand and pulls you into a huge room. He closes the door behind you and kisses your lips roughly.

            “We don’t have much time. I have to be back on stage when the video is over.” He says quickly against your lips. “Please, I can’t wait.” He begs in your ear. His need for you made you crave him. The idea of him climaxing while in the middle of a concert, thrilled your senses. You eagerly worked at his pants, allowing them to fall to the ground. He moved over to the couch, bringing you with him. He quickly pulls down your pants and panties down to your knees. You didn’t try to fully remove them, like he said there was no time to waste. You were plenty wet for him and in the blink of an eye his boxers were down and his head at your entrance. You let out a noise as he pushed inside of you. Having no time for you to adjust, he continued to pull in and out quickly, hoping the fast pace would help. It didn’t take long for your temperature to rise, as his thrusts got deeper.

            “Harder!” you yell out, forgetting where you were, but quickly remembering when he places his hand on your mouth. “Not so loud.” He grunts out. He obeys though and you bring your hand down to rub yourself. You can feel the knot in your stomach forming and thrust upward to meet him and let him know. His hand leaves your mouth to grab your waste and with your release he follows. As you stay lying on your back, panting heavily, he pecks you on the lips and pulls up his boxers. “One minute!” you hear from outside the door. “Fuck!” he hurries out the room. You finally come back down from your orgasm and pull up your pants, leaving out of the room. The music starts to play to for C’mon C’mon and Zayn still isn’t on stage. You see the other boys looking around at each other worried. You hear “C’mon, C’mon” “Oh no.” you say hushed. “-one that I came with.” Zayn comes on to the stage, in his second outfit. That was close.

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