Liam- But Harry's Your Brother (sweet)

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“Y/N, get the door! I have to use the toilet!” Harry yelled out from upstairs. You release a huff and move from your comfortable position on the couch. On the other side of the door was Liam, your brother’s friend who came over every once in a while. “Hey Y/N, Harry’s here right?” he asks, almost hoping for a yes. You nod your head and open the door more so that he could enter. He was wearing jeans, a zipped up hoodie, and a snapback, suiting him quite well. The wide grin on your face seemed out of place so you decide to say something. “Uhh…he’s just using the toilet. I’ll go get him.” You dart up the stairs and almost run into Harry as you turn the corner. “What’s wrong with you?” he asks as you choke on your words. You back up from him, gathering your thoughts before you speak. “Liam is downstairs.” “Liam? Oh yeah, I forgot we have a project to do.” His head turns to the side as he thinks aloud. “Well, slow it down will you? I don’t want you getting hurt.” He walks around you as you roll your eyes. Harry always thinks he knows what’s best for you.

            “Hey Liam. I honestly completely forgot our project.” Harry says as he approaches Liam. “I figured as much. You always have other things on your mind.” Liam responds, raising his eyebrow when saying “other.” Harry’s cheeks brighten a little as he catches on to Liam’s implication. “Come on, we’ll work in the kitchen.” Harry leads him through the doorway, but before Liam enters he looks to the top of the stairs and catches a glimpse of you. He winks before he’s completely out of your sight. He definitely winked at you; you couldn’t have just imagined it. You never thought he would be interested in you, especially since you were his mate’s younger sister. Your cheeks got a rush of heat thinking about Liam being more than just your brother’s cute friend. You walk back down the stairs to settle into the couch once again, picking up the magazine you were previously skimming through.

            A bit of time passed and you decided to get a drink of water from the kitchen. Well, a drink of water and a glimpse of Liam. Before you could enter the kitchen fully, your nose met Harry’s elbow. “Ow!” you scream out at the pain that was now throbbing. “Y/N! Sorry! Are you alright?” Harry yells out in shock. “I was just messing with my hair and you came out of nowhere.” He tries to explain, placing his hands on your shoulder and trying to look at your nose that you were covering up. “I came from the other room Harry!” you respond, angry about his not paying attention. When you brought your hand back down you noticed a spot of blood.  “You’re bleeding.” “How observant of you Harry.” You respond bitterly. “Here put your head back.” Liam says, holding a napkin underneath your nose. “Why don’t you go get the stuff we need to finish up and I’ll stay here and help her.” Liam nudges his head toward your nose. Your brother hesitates before leaving.

“Thank you.” You say funnily to Liam, embarrassed that he witnessed the whole catastrophe. “Of course. Hold this in place while I go get some ice?” “Ice?” you held the napkin in place as you questioned his actions. “Yeah, and pinch the part of your nose in between your eyes. It’ll slow the blood down.” He says turning away to the freezer. “How do you know all of this?” He heads back over to you with an ice cube in his hand. “I took a first aid class along with CPR when I became a lifeguard.” He smirked, making your knees fail a bit. “Woah,” he caught you in his arm before you could stand back up “you alright? Here, let’s get you to a stool.” He leads you over to the island, his muscles being felt through his hoodie. He places the cold cube at the top of your neck once you’re seated. “This should stop the blood from flowing.” You smile at him and realize he’s very close to your face. The same heat you felt earlier in your cheeks was returning and the drops of water from the ice dripping down your spine were not helping the situation.

            “Are you feeling alright?” features of concern covered his face. “Y-yeah” I manage to get out. “I think you can let go of the tissue.” He says moving his hand to yours. He pulled the tissue away and wiped the blood that was still there. Another feeling of embarrassment came over you as Liam took care of you. “I feel so stupid.” “Why?” You froze, not realizing you had thought out loud. “Umm…just, I should have been watching where I was going.” You try to cover up. “It’s Hazza’s fault. He’s always messing with those curls of his. Speaking of which, where’s he gone off to anyhow?” Liam says turning to look at the doorway. “Probably on the phone as usual.” You shrug your shoulders and bring your head back to its normal position. “Oh sorry. This ice is probably freezing.” He says pulling the cube away, turning to throw both it and the bloody napkin in the trash. “Thanks.” You say rubbing your neck. “I can fix that too.” He smiles and walks over to you.

            His hands are placed on your shoulders, his thumbs rubbing circles at the base of your neck. “You don’t have to do that, but it feels really nice.” You say, closing your eyes as the pain subsides. “I want to.” He says almost too quiet for you to hear. You turn around and give him a puzzling face. “You heard that huh?” he smirks. “Are you hitting on me Liam?” you ask boldly. “Not as good as I’d like to.” His words stun you and your left with no words to say. “Hey you’re all good!” Harry announces once he walks into the kitchen. You turn your head quickly and nod. “What were you two talking about?” he says with his eyebrow slightly raised, noticing the little space between you both. “Uh, nothing. Just telling her about my first aid class I took.” Liam stumbles to say. “Y/N why don’t you go and get back to what you were doing while Liam and I finish up in here.” “I haven’t even gotten the drink I came to get before you knocked me in the face.” You respond a little harshly. “Well get it and drink elsewhere.” He retorts. You roll your eyes, get the drink, and head out, Harry’s eyes on you the entire time. “She’s my sister Liam.” He warns Liam once you’re out the door.

            To say you were upset with Harry was an understatement. He just has to ruin everything for you. He embarrasses you in front of Liam and then ruins the moment before anything else could be said. Liam was hitting on you and you weren’t sure if he was serious. He was older and you didn’t have anything to offer him really. He didn’t seem like the type of guy to toy with a girl though. You walked past the stairs to your room, finishing the cup of water and placing it on the desk before lying on your bed. The anger you felt made you doze off into a nap. You woke up and hour later to a tapping on your window. When you pushed the curtain you saw Liam, a smile came to your face. You pushed the window up and asked “what are you doing?” “Harry pretty much told me to stay away from you, but I have to know if you like me too.” He said hushed. “Of course. Is that even a real question?” you blurt out excitedly. “Can I come in?” You nod your head and move aside to let him climb through.

            Before you could say anything his lips are on yours, moving gently. You rise onto the tip of your toes and kiss him back, bringing your hands to cup his neck, making him smile against your lips. At knock at the door breaks the kiss followed by Harry’s voice. “Y/N, can we talk?” Liam’s eyes get wide and you motion for him to get in the closet as you yell out “hold on!” Once Liam is hidden away you walk to the door and open it slightly. “What do you want?” you roll your eyes. “Don’t be like that.” He says pushing his way inside and sitting on your bed. “First off, sorry about the nose bleed. That really was an accident.” You nod your head, making your way to sit on the bed as well. “Second…” he hesitates, not wanting to really continue on. “Spit it out already.” “Look you’re too young to be dating, especially one of my friends.” He finishes, anger be held back from you raising your voice to him.

“You dated at my age Harry and you dated girls who were younger than what I am now.” You respond quickly, his overprotectiveness getting you fired up. “Yes and they didn’t last because we weren’t mature enough.” “I’m less than two years younger and girls age faster than boys.” You try to reason. “Just stay away from Liam.” He gets up and closes the door behind him, not wanting to talk anymore. You follow his path and lock your door just as Liam walks out of the closet, his bottom lip between his teeth displaying his feelings of guilt. “I don’t care what he says.” You say hoping that Liam hadn’t changed his mind about you. “I don’t want to piss him off or come between you two. He’s your brother Y/N.” You walk towards him and smile. “As long as I’m happy he’ll get over it.” A smirk pulls onto Liam’s lips before he pulls you into him, hugging you tightly. 

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