Louis- Short Story (sexual)

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Short imagine someone requested. Let me know what you think =]

“Y/N. I have to get some amount of sleep. You want me looking like a filthy peasant on tv?” Louis says lying in bed, trying to cover himself with the blanket. “But why sleep when you could do other things?” you teasingly ask, crawling next to him and nipping his ear. You see him shiver as you pull away. “Are you trying to seduce me?” he asks, well aware of the answer. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You whisper in his ear while running your hand slowly down his chest. “Aww hell!” he yells, shooting up and pinning you down, his lips attaching to your neck as he shifts on top of you. He quickly has his boxers on the floor, followed by your short and panties. He runs his tongue roughly over your clit before sucking on it harshly. You gasp as you feel him insert two fingers, quickly making you reach your high. “More.” You let out and before you could say anything else, you felt him deep inside you; your moans and his grunts emitting in unison in your room. Louis lets out a string of profanities as you start clenching your walls around him. “Lou let go!” you yell out, knowing you were done for. He collapses beside you, exhausted, and you kiss his forehead. “Now you can sleep if you want.” He laughs and you know there wouldn’t any sleeping for a while longer. In the morning Lou made it to the talk show with the rest of the boys, but couldn’t help but yawn and rub his eyes the entire time.

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