Niall- Road Side Service (sexual)

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“Is that all of it Y/N?” Niall asked with his hand on the trunk, ready to close at your “okay.” “Yep. Everything fit?” He shut the trunk closed and said “looks like it” before getting into the driver seat. You two were headed camping. As odd as it sounds for a celebrity to run away to the wild, Niall was eager to jump on board with your idea. He knew the paparazzi were a tad out of control lately and figured alone time with his favorite person, without any cameras around, would be the best for both of you. You buckled your seat belt, securely around your hips and over your shoulder, as Niall started the vehicle.

            “You ready?” he looked at you and asked. His blue eyes were bright and his, fairly recent, died hair laid tousled on his head. You took a second and turned back toward the house, running through your mental checklist: toothpaste, toilet paper, socks, all the electronics were unplugged, all the doors locked, etc. “Ye…yes” you said, turning back. He let out a chuckle, revealing his beautiful open mouth smile. “As long as you’re sure.” “Oh shush.” You lightly pushed him for making fun of you. “Let’s get going,” you said excitedly, cueing him to hit the gas. You plugged your iPod in and played the playlist you quickly made for the trip. You sang along with Niall for fun, knowing very well you couldn’t sing, let alone compared to him. After a short while, Niall wanted a snack to settle his stomach. “Right now I can only reach chips, nuts, and apples.” You said with your body turned reaching behind the seat. “Anything” he responded in an overdramatic begging tone. “Okay okay.” You giggled. You opened the medium sized bag of chips and started feeding him, not wanting him to focus on anything but driving. “Thank you.” He said before taking the chips in his mouth.

            An hour of driving passed and you realized that there are no other cars around. The road you were on had tall trees on both sides, trapping you between vegetation. “Ni, where are we?” you questioned him while sitting up out of your comfortable position. “Hopefully near the entrance of the park.” He glanced at you. “What do you mean ho-” your question was cut off when the car hit something and you bounced up. “Shit!” Niall quickly turned the wheel, trying his best to get the car under control before it went off the paved road. Finally the car stopped and you both jerked forward. “Y/N are you okay?!” Niall panicked, unbuckling his seat belt and reaching out for you. “I’m fine. What the hell happened?!” You both hurried out the car to see what caused the car to swerve. There were pieces of a thick branch in the road and newly made tire marks. “Fuck!” Niall cursed, making you rush over to his side. “We got a flat. I’m going to have to call to call triple A.” “Do you have service?” you asked, hoping you weren’t in a situation similar to a horror movie. He nodded his head when he checked his phone and began to dial, stepping away to check if anything else was messed up.

            You sat in the passenger seat, with your feet hanging out, waiting for Niall to get off the phone. “So much for camping…” you thought to yourself until Niall stepped in front of you and placed his lips on yours desperately. He pulled away and looked into your eyes. “What was that for?” you breathe out. “I got really scared when I lost control. I could’ve lost you.” He said, kissing your forehead. “I love you.” You smile before repeating his words. “It’s gonna be an hour before anyone gets here so let’s pass the time.” He pulled away and headed to the back of the car to open the trunk. “What are you doing?” you followed behind him and saw he was digging something out of the back. “I thought I could mess around on the guitar a while since we’re waiting so long.” He put on his sunglasses and leaned back on the trunk, strumming away whatever tune popped into his head. You pulled a blanket out and laid it in the grass on the side of the road and listened to him while lying down. At least the weather was nice out.

             You stared at your faux blonde Irish man running his fingers up and down the neck of the guitar, his digits shifting over the frets easily. “Babe,” you called out, feeling warmer at the thought of his calloused fingers grazing your skin. He looked up from his playing and hummed a yes, letting you know he was listening. “Why are you so far away from me?” A smirk crept on his face as he heard the little whine in your voice. He pushed off the trunk and came toward you, the guitar in his right hand. “Better?” he said sitting down next to you, legs crossed so that he could rest his guitar. “No,” you shook your head from side to side slightly, “you’re still holding your guitar.’ His eyebrow rose in confusion until you placed your hand on his knee, your desire finally coming clear to him. He set the six string instrument on the side, off the blanket, along with his lenses and unfolded his legs, turning his body on its side to hover above you. “Better?” he said softly, his eyes set on yours and his breaths hitting your skin.

            You pulled him to your lips, no longer wanting to be without the taste of him. Your lips tingled as he pushed harder on to them, his lust for you becoming more apparent as his hand cupped your face. You brought your hand down to feel exactly how much he wanted you, his jeans tightening at your touch. “Darling,” he breathed out against your mouth “let’s go to the car.” He pulled away, but you gripped him tightly, preventing him from getting far. “No. Right here.” You said. “Please, it’s more comfortable and I need you now.” He couldn’t deny your request and connected your lips to his once again, the passion being more intense than a moment ago. His hand pulled your shirt up and he placed wet kisses on your stomach and ribs. Your hand tugged at his hair, making him move lower. He pulled your jeans down slightly, after unbuttoning them, and kissed at the waistband of your panties before moving back up to meet your eyes. “A quick one and we’ll continue later when we set up on site. Okay?” he pecked your lips, knowing you’d be fine with that plan. You bite your lip and nod your head eagerly, wanting him to continue where he had just left off.

            Niall moved back downward and pulled your jeans off hurriedly, being more cautious about doing something like this in the open since he was a celebrity. He didn’t dare pull your panties off completely, but rather pulled them down enough so that he could thrust his fingers deeply with ease. He gave you no warning and with two of his fingers in your wet center you were feeling nothing but pleasure. “Y/N does it feel good?” he asked as he thrust faster, loving the image of you before him. “Yes. Yes. Oh yes Ni.” You moaned out, bucking up against his fingers. “More.” You groaned, making him bring his lips to your clit. You arched your back at the sensation he was causing you to feel between your legs. He pulled away momentarily and spoke against your lower lips. “Cum” His rough voice made the knot forming within you tighten even more. Your eyes started to lose vision as you struggled to see past the sunlight and the newly created white spots.

            You felt your release as Niall flicked his tongue on your nerves. His tongue lapped up your release as you panted heavily, desperately trying to catch your breath. Niall pulled out his fingers, leaving you empty, and guided your panties to their original position. He pulled the corner of the blanket over your lower half before lying next to you and kissing your lips softly, knowing you still hadn’t caught your breath. “Thank you,” you panted out, bringing a smile to his face. “My pleasure.” “I’ll return the favor later.” You winked at him. Niall kissed your forehead before looking into your eyes, smiling, and said “Oh I know.”

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