Louis- Caught Red Handed (sexual)

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You had been out shopping for nothing in particular and as a result didn’t end up buying anything. You just wanted to get out of the house while Louis was at the studio with Liam working on some new songs.  You entered the house, taking your shoes off at the door and putting your purse on the couch. It wasn’t until you headed for the kitchen that you heard some noises coming from the bedroom. You disregarded the drink of water you originally wanted and slowly moved toward the pulled up bedroom door. You took a peek inside and saw Lou, bare and on the bed, pumping his dick. His eyes were closed, his bottom lip partially between his teeth. Grunts could slightly be heard from where you were and you couldn’t help, but get horny looking at his perfect self. Instead of barging in on him and ruining his mood, you decided to have a bit of fun. You softened your voice to make it seem like you weren’t right outside the door. “Lou? You home?”

            His eyes shot open and a look of panic washed over his face when your voice registered with him. “I’m in the bedroom! Coming now!” he yelled out, getting out of bed and hurrying to put his sweat pants on. You swung the door open before he could even get a foot in the fabric. “What’s going on here Lou?” you asked as if you didn’t already know. “Y/N. I- I, uh, just got out the shower. I was getting dressed.” He stumbled to say. “Is that the best you have?” you asked, raising an eyebrow and moving forward. He tensed up at your words. You could see he was hoping you were talking about something else rather than the truth of what he had been doing. “What are you talking about?” “I mean, that’s a pretty good one, but I think you could have done better.” You took a seat on the bed and leaned back, resting on your hands. “Better what?” He questioned, resuming his attempt to dress himself at a less panicked pace. You reached your hand out to his wrist, preventing him from pulling them up. “A better lie.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he took a swallow. “I saw what you were doing” you continued on.

“Babe I didn’t think you would be home until later. I-” “Don’t” you cut him off from whatever explanation he had come up with. “I’m here now. Let me please you.” You trailed your fingers up his inner thigh, shying away from his semi-hard cock, teasing him. “You aren’t mad?” Lou’s brows furrowed when he asked. “A little,” you looked up at him and smirked before continuing on, “but only because you thought of touching yourself instead fucking me.” He mirrored your devilish look before letting his sweatpants fall to the ground. You quickly pulled your other hand from behind you as he pushed you down so you would lie flat on your back. His lips crashed yours, his tongue quick with its entry, passing over yours heatedly. His hands gripped your sides, pulling your hips off the bed so he could work your pants off. He pulled away from the kiss, eyes fixed on your lower half as he tugged them down your legs.

You helped as best you could, trying to rush the undressing so that he could touch you.

            You sat up, as he tossed your pants off to the side, and peeled your shirt from your body, flinging it out of sight. You backed away from the edge of the bed, making Louis follow you. His eyes were dark, but playful. “Show me what you were thinking about when you had your hand wrapped around that thick cock of yours.” You said as confidently as you could, dirty talk not being your specialty. Louis wasn’t thrown off by it though. He practically lunged at your neck, his teeth and lips attacking your skin. Your hand pulled at his hair, matching his roughness. He ground his hips into yours, the thin fabric of your panties separating your most intimate parts from each other. You felt yourself wanting more from him, needing more from him. “Get on with it Tommo” you breathed out for him to hear. His head snapped back and his fingers hooked into the front of your panties, quickly tugging them off after he moved from in between your legs. His hands had spread your legs after he got rid of the moistened fabric that had been preventing pleasure from both of you.

            His fingers ran up your wet lower lips, his final act of teasing before finally doing what you wanted. He pushed in two fingers quickly, pumping in and out, in and out, showing no signs of stopping. Your arms winged out across the bed, gripping the bed sheets tightly as you bucked upward into Lou’s hand. Your eyes had shut when he forced his fingers deep inside of you and begun curling them. His left arm was supporting his weight while he worked wonders on your body with the fingers on his other. “More,” you moaned. His fingers had suddenly left your body and were on himself, pumping just enough to ready him for what was to come. He placed his tip at your entrance and pushed in slowly, letting your walls consume him. The slight pain from the stretch had hit you, but you knew it would quickly subside once he started moving. Both his hands were settled on the bed, on the sides of you, allowing him to hover above you. Your legs were wrapped around his thighs firmly, allowing you to hold yourself against his hard thrusts into you. You hadn’t realized how loud you were being until his thrusts began deepening.

            “Oh Lou. Lou. Lou.” His shortened name left you’re your mouth repeatedly, parallel with his thrusts. Your mind was wrapped up in the moment and in another world at the same time, making you concentrate on nothing else but the pleasure he was giving you. His thrusts had slowed down, pulling you back to the reality around you. He pulled out momentarily to release your legs from their grip on him and lift them onto his shoulders. He lined himself back up and eased into you yet again. He quickly pounded into your pussy from the new position, making you feel every part of him inside you. His hands glued to your hips, which he pulled toward him, making you meet his thrusts. The new position made you even more vocal and seemed to make Louis go faster. When you could manage to open your eyes, you saw Lou’s hair a mess, sweat formed on his face and body, and his eyes dark and focused.

You felt his grip tightening often as the sweat from your body made his hands slip. His thrusts were getting sloppier, but harder. You could tell he was close to finishing and desperately wanted you to reach yours. You released your grip on the bed sheet to rub circles on your clit. Louis’ grunts had become louder as soon as you started. You began writhing beneath him, but weren’t able to move much due to the position you were in. “Faster,” he ordered you. “Go faster.” You increased the pace of your fingers and he matched your speed, using the last of his energy. Your walls clenched around him and your eyes shut tightly as you felt the familiar burning knot form inside of you. Your moans continued on louder, partially turning into screams. “Lou! There! Right there!” you yelled out with his increased rate. You gave no warning to your release. Your body shook, your vision momentarily impaired. The pleasure you felt rush through your body continued on as Louis failed to halt his thrusts.

His fingers rubbed your sensitive clit roughly, forcing you to cum again, the second time taking more energy out of you than before. He thrust once more, ejaculating deep inside of you. Your breath slowly began to steady as Louis rested on top of you. When he finally pulled out, he moved to the side of you, his arm making its way underneath your head so that you were cuddled into his side. His lips met your forehead in a loving way, thanking you. After what seemed like a long moment of silence you decided to speak. “Better than your hand?” Your eyes rolled up to see his reaction to your question. A smirk tugged on his lips. “Much better.”

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