Zayn- Fan Fiction Tips (sexual)

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Okay, so you hadn’t had an orgasm in a while. It’s not like you found Zayn the slightest bit unattractive, but for some reason the sex wasn’t as hot and heavy as it used to be. He was well aware of the problem you were having and that didn’t help the situation at all. He would try his best to get you to reach your high, but he always felt like there was something wrong with him when he failed. The look in his eyes broke your heart every time. He promised that tonight he would succeed. You weren’t sure what he had planned, but you weren’t exactly certain about it either. He told you to go to the laptop at 5 p.m. and text him a number an hour later. You had no idea what he was talking about or what to expect since he wouldn’t say anymore before he left to the studio. You waited all day and finally it was time.

            You opened the laptop and the screen lit up. A word document was open with text already on it. You read, “Y/N I think that maybe we need to try something we never thought of before. Maybe have someone else come up with what we do.” You froze there, wondering why he would think talking to anyone about such a topic would be okay with you. If people knew you two weren’t “getting along” in the bedroom, you would die of embarrassment. You decide to keep reading, hoping he wouldn’t confess he already told someone. “You know that my fans write sex stories about me and some of them are actually quite good. Give them a read and text me the number of which story you want to bring to life. I have their order memorized ;)” Your eyes got wide as you finished reading his note. He actually wanted reenact a scene some horny fifteen years old wrote. Well, at least he hadn’t asked the guys for their input.

            You let out a breath of air and figure, why not give it a try. You see that there were three that he had different stories open in the tab. As you read the first one, a smile plays on your lips. It was sweet and somewhat true about Zayn. It also spooked you, realizing that his fans had a pretty good idea of how your boyfriend acted away from the cameras and spotlight. The next one you read proved to be a tad true as well. You figured that to be the reason Zayn had picked it. That and the author stated his dick was a size no human male could possibly have. You giggle at the sexually inexperienced author who must have written it. The last tab was a rough one, involving toys, whips, handcuffs, and a bunch of other things that just scared the crap out of you. If you were to reenact that story, you would surely have been more frightened than horny. You look over the first two stories again. You take your time when you read the second one this time. You try to imagine Zayn touching you the way it’s being described. You feel moisture between your legs and you know that’s the one.

            Your phone vibrates and snaps your attention away from the screen. You see that it’s a message from Zayn and slide the screen down to read it. “It’s past six babe. Did you not like my idea?” You glance at the time in the corner and are surprised to see you got lost in reading the stories. You move your fingers quickly, responding “I was still reading them. Sorry. 2 ;)” You shut the laptop and read his next message, “be home in 20 love xx.” You smile and hurry to get ready the room ready. You changed the bed sheets and picked up the pile of clothes that had been accumulating on the floor. Once you finished you pulled out Zayn’s favorite lingerie and laid it out on the freshly made bed. You walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. You stripped and entered once the temperature was right. Your body tingled knowing what was soon to come. You didn’t hear him enter the bathroom so you actually did get startled when you felt his hands on your waist. You let out a gasp at the touch and quickly pulled a smile on your face.

            He released one hand and brought it to your neck where he pushed your hair to the other side, allowing him to place a kiss onto your neck. “You getting all clean for me?” the familiar words you heard in your head earlier were now being asked in your ear. You turned around and placed a kiss on his lips. He pulled your body close, his warmth radiating against your skin. “I haven’t even made you dirty yet.” He almost growls in your ear. A moan escapes you and tells Zayn you’re enjoying his brilliant plan. His lips press again to your neck, this time parted slightly and sucking at your most sensitive spot. You lock your fingers in his hair, remembering that you’re supposed to pull him away, but hesitate for a moment enjoying the pleasure he’s giving you. You finally tug on his hair roughly, making his head snap up to meet yours. “I think I’m clean enough,” you whisper into his ear, causing a smirk to form on his face. He reaches behind you and turns the water off before commanding you to jump and wrap your legs around his waist.

            He carries you out of the bathroom, his lips against yours and his tongue tasting every part inside your mouth. When he approaches the bed he pulls away and says his next line in his husky voice. “You don’t need this tonight.” You want nothing more than to feel him inside of you, but you knew you would have to wait. He throws the set up you laid out onto the floor and your put on your back, legs still wrapped tightly around him, waiting for him to pull them off. He runs his hands up your thighs, pressing on them so that you feel his touch. “Please,” you breathe out. Zayn’s head shifts up, knowing that wasn’t part of the script. He releases your legs from him and spreads them wide, dropping to his knees, no doubt resting in a puddle of water you too had created. His finger runs up your slit and you close your eyes at the contact. He passes over your bundle of nerves and you buck your hips, causing him to delve his two fingers into you. His lips attach to your clit and you soon find yourself searching for air. His tongue alternated between sucking and flicking your clit while his two fingers pumped deeper and began to curl.

            You had completely forgotten about the story you were reenacting until he pulled out and away. “Taste yourself.” He ordered. He hovered over your panting body, his fingers placed on your lips, slowly moving downward and pulling your bottom lip down. You opened your mouth and allowed him to push his fingers slowly inside. You swirled your tongue around his fingers, making sure to get all of you off him. He removed his fingers and forcefully attached his lips. You knew what was next, but you couldn’t wait for it any longer. “Zayn,” you say against his lips. When he pulls away you let out a desperate “please” gives you exactly what you want. He lifted himself up and rubbed his head against your clit. Your center was throbbing and you needed him. “Zayn!” you yell out. He quickly pulls away and enters you fully, a groan leaving your mouth as he stays deep inside you, not moving. After a few seconds he pulls out and slams back into you. All that you wanted was being done now and the pleasure was amazing.

            You started bucking your hips to meet his thrust, but he placed his hands firmly on your hips, pushing you back to the bed. He leaned forward and rolled his hips, causing motion against your clit. You gripped the damp sheet beneath you. You looked at his dark eyes up above you, a mixture of sweat and water dripping down his forehead. His rolling stopped and he slammed again into you. You cry out letting him know how good he makes you feel. He can tell it isn’t enough though. You won’t reach your orgasm like this, no matter how good it feels. He lifts one of your legs onto his shoulder, pulling you to the edge of the bed more. He starts to pound quickly into you and you moan his name repeatedly as his tip hits you g spot. “That’s it. Say my name.” He says with his thrusts, the familiar command bringing back the story you read online to mind. “Harder Zayn!” you yell out knowing it was the last thing you were supposed to say. He gave one final thrust and you released, your mind being separated from your body as the white spots shielded your vision.  You couldn’t move. You couldn’t speak. Zayn didn’t even care that he hadn’t finished. He kissed you softly before shifting you on the bed and lying beside you.

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