Zayn- Geeky Love (sexual)

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You rang the doorbell and waited nervously for Zayn to open the front door. You knew the only reason you agreed to do the project at his house was out of pure curiosity. He was the quiet, smart guy who was too attractive to be so anti-social. He opened the door and the nerves flooded your body. “Hey Y/N,” he said calmly. You hadn’t heard him speak much, but you quickly realized you would be hearing a lot of his thick accent. “Hi.” He stepped to the side, opening the door more and allowing you to enter. His home was cozy. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary as you saw family photos adorning the walls. You didn’t know what you had been expecting to see, but while following him into the front room you sensed there was nothing unusual to expect. “You want something to drink or anything before we start?” Zayn asked as you took a seat on his couch. “Uhh no. I’m good. Thanks.”

            You pulled your notebook from your backpack and set it on the table in front of you. Zayn was doing the same and you couldn’t help but stare. He didn’t seem to be any different, even in his own home. His movements were light and delicate and made his tattoos seem out of place on his arm. “Y/N,” Zayn said, snapping you back to the setting around you. “Yeah,” you rushed out, so he knew you were paying attention. “I asked if you know what you want to do first.” How did you get so distracted to not hear him speak? “Umm, usually I write down everything that needs to get done and what I plan on doing to accomplish it.” Usually people were confused when you explained your process, but Zayn just nodded and opened his notebook.

            You both were 20 minutes into your work and already had the majority of the project planned. Zayn had started searching through the texts for quotes and examples and looked absolutely lost in it. He was leant forward, his eyes passing over each line behind the lens of his glasses. His tongue passed over his lips every few minutes; as often as he was picking up his pencil and writing in his notebook. To say you didn’t find him attractive would be an unnecessary lie. Everyone found Zayn attractive, but no one approached him because he was just so unapproachable. Unless he was spoken to, Zayn didn’t speak. He was always hiding behind a book or notepad. That just wasn’t very welcoming to people at school so he was usually sat by himself at a table. “Y/N” Oh great, you did it again. “Yeah,” you responded when you finally heard him. “Are you okay?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. You felt heat on your cheeks and just wanted to escape. “Can I use your bathroom?” you asked, rising quickly from the couch and making Zayn back into the couch from your sudden movement. “Yeah, it’s just round the corner, second door on the right.” You nodded your head and moved rapidly.

            You didn’t really need to go to the bathroom, but you felt so stupid staring at him like that and blanking out. You felt slight relief knowing at least no one would know how awkward you were being. The first door you passed was ajar and caught your eye only because there was a single lamp on in the room. You were here because of your curiosity and if you were honest, it always got the best of you. You pushed the door open slowly and assumed it was Zayn’s bedroom. The walls were a calming blue-gray and his black curtains were keeping out any natural light the windows might have allowed into the room. The lamp was on a desk beside his bed and you saw a book lie open on it. You stepped closer and saw the black writing on the pages become clearer. He was an artist.

You saw a beautiful black bird sketched on the page and would have continued staring if your curiosity hadn’t made you turn the pages. With each page came a beautiful image of a different animal or person. He had drawn a self-portrait and it was just as flawless as him in real life. As you passed over each stroke you saw one spot was just a little darker. Whatever was drawn on the other side had seeped through slightly and you knew your face had a frown on it. You turned the page to see what image had messed with one that was so perfect. You weren’t sure, but you would swear your mouth had fell open as your eyes met your own. He had drawn you. Every detail of your face was captured by him and you were stunned at how beautiful he made you look. All the flaws you wished you never had seemed to be non-existent in his drawing. You turned around as you heard a clearing of a throat come from behind you.

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