Louis- Family Barbecue (sweet)

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Lou finally had some time off from the tour and you were looking forward to spending time with him. Unfortunately, you had a family barbecue you had to go to on his first day back. Great. Your phone buzzes and you pull it out to read the text you received. “Hey honey. I’ll meet you at your parents’ home. Gonna be a few minutes late. I love you” You exhale at his message. All hope of spending time together before meeting with your family, left with the breath. “Okay see you there I love you too Xx” you quickly respond. You put on a light blue casual summer dress after showering and grab the potato salad out of the fridge before heading out to the car.

            “Hey Y/N” your mother pulls you into a quick embrace before turning back towards the kitchen. “Just put the bowl on the table outside. Where’s Louis?” she asks as she places condiments onto a platter to take outside. “He’s going to be a little late.” You shout out walking out the back door. “Louis’ going to be late?” your father asks annoyed. “Yeah,” you retort “he’s just got done with a show in a different city. So yeah, he’s going to be a little late.” You walk back into the house after placing the bowl on the table, not wanting to deal with any comment your father had to add. “Honey, doesn’t he know that our annual barbecue is a big deal?” your mom walks toward you and leans onto the island, drying her hands with a towel. “Yes mom. Like I just said, it’s not like he’s right next door. He’s kind of in the middle of a world tour.” You go to the bathroom, trying to isolate yourself before your siblings chimed in. Your parents were doubtful of Louis, him being a celebrity and all. You knew he was the one for you and you knew Lou felt the exact same way. You just wished that your parents would back off.

            Your phone rings and you pulled it from your pocket. “Hello.” “Hey love. I’m parking out front now.” Louis says. “Okay, I’ll come out.” You hang up the phone and collect yourself. It wasn’t the time to have a break down. You make your way out the front door before your family sees you and immediately spot Lou carrying tin of assorted sweets. “Hey good looking.” He smiles before pecking your lips. “I brought something for dessert. Everyone waiting on me?” “I got here a few minutes ago myself. You aren’t late at all really.” You say turning to walk alongside him. You two walk inside and realize everyone else had made their way outside. “Just put the tin on the island. The table is already pretty full outside.” You say. Lou sets it down and grabs hold of your hand, pulling you into him so he can wrap you tightly in a hug. “I missed you so much.” He hummed in your ear. “I missed you too.” You giggle. “We have to go outside though. My parents were already annoyed when I said you’d be late.” He kisses your lips as a confirmation and allows you to guide him out the back.

            “He’s here.” You announce to your family and see their heads snap toward you, almost in unison. “He’s not late Y/N.” your mom says as if you were the one who was complaining about it before. “Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn’t quite sure if I were going to make it on time, so I thought better safe than sorry.” Louis said while pulling your mother into a hug. “Sir.” He respectfully stuck his hand out to your father. “Meat smells delicious.” “Damn right it does.” Your father’s expression immediately changes, having heard Lou’s compliment. You sat at the table with the rest of your family chatting away about things you planned on doing later in the summer while Lou spent a lot of his time with your father. You caught yourself a few times drifting from the conversation and staring at Louis. His hair quaffed back, gray shirt hugging his body, and stubble underneath his chin. “Y/N what do you think?” your sister’s voice calls back your attention.

The meal went well and it was time to start heading out. You wanted to go and spend personal time with your always busy boyfriend. You see him packing some leftover meat into a styrofoam box to take home. You walk over to him and kiss him on his cheek. “What was that for?” he asks, smiling wide. “For being you…and putting up with my family. You did really well today. You and my dad were barely apart.” “You noticed that huh?” he jokes, closing the lid to the box. “Yes. What was that all about?” you question, more intrigued by his reaction. “Nothing.” “Don’t keep things from me Lou.” You almost plea. He let out a breath and looked behind you. You turn to see your father, a bit away, nod his head then disappear into the house. “What’s going on?” “I know how your dad can be Y/N and I know that we know how we feel about each other and I just wanted to let your dad know that I’ll always be here to take care of you. No matter what. I asked for his blessing to buy home for us.” “Lou you know I don’t want you spend-” “It’s not just on you, it’s for us. At least in our place, I’ll be there even when I’m not. Just think of it as the first step toward us actually settling down in the future, okay?” You grin and nod at his words. He pulls you into his arms, happy that you agreed to the big step. “Lou?” you say low against his ear. “Yeah?” “Can we go now? I haven’t seen you in forever and a week isn’t very much time for what I have in mind.” He laughs at your words, before grabbing the meat and heading back inside with you to say goodbye to your family. 

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