Niall- Leaving for Florida (sweet)

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I can’t say goodbye. I’m too much of a coward to look into his blue eyes and say ‘I may never see you again.’ I love him and I can’t do anything to change that, but I can keep it from him so that he doesn’t feel all the pain I feel. Our time together is all that we will have of each other and I have to accept that. As much as it hurts, I have to. When I left his flat this morning, I used all my strength to keep from breaking down. After spending our last night together…making love…I couldn’t wake him up to the horrible reality that had finally come after these couple of months. I have to go to Florida. It’s where my family is; where my home is. Niall was strong enough to leave his home in Ireland and move to England, but I can’t. My family needs me as much as I needs them and I have been gone too long already.

            This cab was not making my situation any better, getting stuck in traffic and forcing me to relive every agonizingly perfect moment I shared with Niall. The first time he kissed me, at the park. He pushed me on the swing, singing to me, when he suddenly stopped. He pulled the seat back to its normal position and when I turned to ask why he’d stop his lips met mine and I knew he cared. I felt his passion for me. Our first night together, after he cooked for me…I almost giggled to death seeing the mess he had in the kitchen from cooking our meal. We had a candlelit dinner on the balcony, the wind blowing through his blond locks making him look godlier than ever. He carried me in his arms to his bedroom and treated me so gently. He never said he loved me, but he didn’t have to. He showed me every day just how much he did.

A tear rolls down my face as the cab comes to a stop. “We’re here.” The man says. I pay him and grab my bags. I stand facing the doors as the cab pulls away, take a deep breath, and treasure the last of the English air I’ll breathe. “Y/N! Stop!” I didn’t want this. He was supposed to stay at his flat, with all our memories. Why was he here?! I turn around and see him; white t-shirt, jeans, and a blue cap reversed on his head, a serious gaze in his eyes as he rushed to me. “You were just going to leave me like that?” his eyes brightening with the tears forming in his eyes. “I didn’t want this memory. This is not how I want to remember us Niall…why did you ruin it?” more tears came down and I let my head fall. “Y/N this isn’t the end. I won’t let it be.” “Yes it will.” I cry out. “I have to be with my family in Florida. I can’t leave them again Ni.” His hand lifts my head up from my chin and he places and gentle kiss on my lips. “I love you. I will find a way to be together again. I promise.” A tear rolls down his cheek. “This isn’t goodbye.” Were the last words he said to me…and they still are.

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