Liam- His Pal's Passing (sweet)

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Your heart ached at the sight before you. Liam was hunched over in the uncomfortable seat, his head resting on the thumbs of his fists. He was clenching his jaw and his eyes were shut tight. You didn’t know if you should leave him alone or move closer to comfort him in his time of grief. “Mr. Payne,” a short chunky woman wearing scrubs called out causing Liam’s head to snap up “it’s time.” You swallowed hard once it hit you the time had come. Liam looked to you, his eyes red and watery. He rubbed the palm of his hands on his thighs and exhaled through his mouth before standing. “Can you come with me?” his voice was shaky and he looked as if he were breaking right in front of you. It hurt to see him in pain, so much that tears were brimmed in your eyes and your throat was dry. You had to be strong for him though. He needed you. “Of course,” you said standing up from your seat.

            You followed him to the door the woman stood in front of. She had another woman behind the counter buzz the door open and you three entered. You followed her through the hall and finally stopped in front of a door that was on the left side. “Are you sure you want to be in the room when it’s injected?” You could tell he wanted to break down, but he nodded his head firmly and agreed. “The doctor will come in a moment. I’ll let you say your final goodbyes,” she said holding the door open for you two to enter. Loki lied on the metal table in the center of the room. You could tell he had gotten worse. “He’s got some meds in him to help with the pain. I’ll go tell the doctor you’re ready.” Once the door closed, Liam broke down.

            He moved to the table and pet Loki’s fur before hugging him and burying his face into his neck. You didn’t think your heart could break anymore, but seeing him so hurt and heartbroken was almost too much for you. You let him have his last moments with his dog and stood by the door with your hand squeezed tightly over your heart. Tears were slipping from your eyes and rolling down your cheeks as Liam held one of Loki’s paws and stroked him with his other hand. You could tell Loki was having trouble breathing as you watched his body rise and fall with each breath. Liam’s eyes were closed tightly, but it wasn’t ceasing his tears. “Looks like- it looks like it’s time for you to leave me pal.” Liam spoke between sniffles without opening his eyes. His grip seemed to get tighter on Loki; like he believed holding Loki tighter would keep him there longer. “God how I wish you could just get better. I wish-I wish- I don’t want you to go boy.”

            You were wrong; your heart could definitely break more. “Just promise me you won’t get into too much trouble when you go to heaven. Alright?” He sobbed some more, this time turning his face into Loki’s fur. You walked forward and placed your hand on Liam’s back. You started rubbing your palm in circles, trying your best to comfort him. “I’m sure he’ll be the most popular dog up there,” you said softly. You moved your hand to pet Loki’s head. “Won’t you Loki?” Liam straightened up and released his grip on his dog. You turned to see his eyes were puffy and his nose was extremely red. The door opened and Liam’s eyes quickly looked over. The doctor entered and his straight face was all you could see. “Mr. Payne, are you ready?” You felt Liam grab your hand tightly, but you stayed looking at the doctor. “Yes,” Liam answered.

            The doctor walked to the cart that had a tray on it. He pulled the paper covering the tray and revealed a huge needle. You looked at Liam and found he was no longer crying. You thought he was staring at the doctor’s every move, but were proven wrong when he looked at you. You could see it in his eyes: acceptance. He squeezed your hand, telling you he was okay. You gave him a reassuring squeeze back and you both turned back to the doctor. “Alright, I’m going to inject him now.” The doctor had the needle hover above Loki as he spoke. “I love you boy…goodbye.” Liam’s voice was shaky when he spoke and you squeezed his hand so that he was reminded that you were there for him. The doctor was already pulling out of Loki and placing the now empty needle back on the cart. Liam stroked his dog one last time before his breathing stopped.

“Do you know what you plan on doing with the body?” the doctor asked. Liam hesitated, his eyes still focused on his now dead dog. You saw him swallow before speaking. “I’m going to hold a funeral.” He looked to you, trying to see your response to his sudden decision. You gave a small nod and squeezed his hand once again. “Alright, we can keep the body for a day so you can make the necessary arrangements. We have some numbers to pet cemeteries if you’d like references.” “Yes please.” “Alright. Follow me and I’ll get those for you.” The doctor held the door open, but Liam didn’t move. You looked to see him looking down at Loki. All you could see was Loki’s pain before, but he now looked more at peace. Liam must have thought so too because he looked up at you and let a small smirk appear for a slight second. You pulled on his hand a little to motion him to the door and he followed.

The car ride was quiet. You drove, knowing Liam was not exactly in the right state of mind to be behind a wheel. When you arrived at home, Liam went straight to the bedroom. You entered and found him sitting at the edge of the mattress, staring at Loki’s bed that was on the floor. You sat down next to him and pushed his head to rest on your shoulder. “He lived a long life babe; a good life. No one could have loved him more than you did.” You spoke while holding him close to you. “You did everything you could. It was…just his time to go.” You didn’t know if your words were doing more harm or good. Liam just sat there, leaning against you and not saying a word. After a while he placed his hand on your knee. “Thank you,” he said softly. He looked up at you and stared into your eyes. “I know that you loved him a lot, even though he was from my past relationship. You didn’t have to accept him, but you did. Thank you.”

You were caught off guard. You knew Loki was originally Liam’s and Danielle’s, but after all the years you’ve been with Liam, you accepted Loki as your own. “No thank you needed. No matter the reason, I’m glad he was in my life. Who else would have kept me company while you were out of the country?” Liam smirked at your words. “Well, thank you for being here anyways.” “I couldn’t be anywhere else,” you said, placing your forehead against his. Liam leaned in for a kiss and you returned it. You knew his healing wouldn’t begin until after the funeral, but for the moment he didn’t have to think about the death. “I love you,” you said against his lips. “I love you too.” 

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