Zayn- No More Repeating Mistakes (sexual)

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He was in big trouble. He yet again missed another dinner date. You were tired of the paparazzi following you around and reporting every time Zayn didn’t show up. He always tried to make up for being late or not showing up at all, but you could never fully forgive him each time he repeated his actions. It was as if he knew you would never go anywhere. He wasn’t exactly wrong, but this time it’s different. As you walk out of the restaurant, lights flashing in your face, questions being yelled at you, you decide you don’t want a future with him if he’s not going to commit. When you get back to the flat, you throw on a slip and get into the cold empty bed. “Another night alone.” You think as you drift to sleep.

            You wake up to the smell of cigarettes. Zayn knew you weren’t exactly a fan of smoking and usually restrained from smoking around you. You sit up quickly and see him sat at the end of the bed. “Zayn you know I don’t like the smell.” You say with an annoyance in your sleepy voice. “Yeah, sorry…I just really needed one.” He says getting up to toss the butt in the toilet. You see his lack of shirt and pants as he walks back to the bed, only his boxer briefs on his body. As he lifts the cover up to get into bed you say, still in your annoyed tone “You missed our date…again.” He lets out a sigh as he settles on his pillow. “I know. I’m sorry.” He repeats his usual words as he turns over on his side, away from you. Hurt by his lack of attention and care, you raise your voice “I can’t do this with you anymore! What’s the point of me trying anymore if you’re just going to act like this; like you don’t care, like I don’t matter?”

            Zayn sits up and turns to you, his face hard to read. He stares at you for a minute, silent. He places his hand on your cheek and says “how could you think that?” with hurt apparent in his voice. He slowly leans in and places his lips on yours. They’re soft and warm. His hand pulls your face closer to his and with a swipe of his tongue at the line where your lips meet you allow him to enter. He tastes of cigarettes, but you overlook it, knowing that this is what you wanted; his love. He leaned his body forward, turning you down on your back. You grab his bicep to keep you from breaking your kiss while his hand moves from your cheek to your side. You longed for more of his touch as the kiss deepened and you didn’t have to wait long for it to happen. His lips planted wet kisses on the top of your chest as his hand reached under your slip to your panties.

            Your breathing gets heavier as you feel yourself moistening for him. When he finishes ridding your lower half of the small fabric, his hand runs up your leg and rests at your hips, lifting the slip to leave your center exposed. He comes back to your lips and you catch a glimpse of his eyes. They’re filled with an intensity you recognize as love instead of lust. He moves to your neck, causing your breaths to deepen. “I love you.” He admits in your ear and you whisper his name. He lifts up, removes his drawers, and pumps his erect length before spreading your legs and positioning at your folds. His head rubs achingly slow against your wet center, causing slight moans to leave your mouth. You feel him slowly enter and your knees squeeze tightly together around him.

When he is finally completely inside you, you squeeze on his hand placed on the bed, telling him to move. He slowly pulls out and enters you, making each thrust meaningful. His name escapes in your breaths and his pace slightly quickens. Your walls clench around him once you lift your leg up to wrap around his waist, giving him access to the one spot that drives an intense pleasure through your body. You feel you’re nearing your release and reach your hand up to run your fingers in his hair. “Hold on a bit longer.” He breathes out. His name serves as an acknowledgement and your back starts to arch. You feel Zayn tiring out and start to work your hips up slowly to meet his thrusts. “Now babe.” He says and you immediately let go. He can’t hold back himself and pulls out, finishing on your stomach; the hot liquid squirting, warming your already warm skin.

He reaches over the side of the bed to get his underwear and wipes the mess from your stomach, careful not to leave anything behind. He kisses your lips and pulls you closer to him so that you’re spooning. “I love you Y/N. Please don’t doubt that.” He says quietly against your ear. “I know.”

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