Niall/Louis/Harry- Short Story (sexual)

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Another short imagine requested. Let me know what you think of this one please.

You, Harry, and Lou had slept together on more than one occasion, but this was the first time Niall would join in as well. You don’t know Lou and Haz got him to agree to a foursome, but you were not one to complain. Louis had his tongue dominating yours already, his hand kneading your breast roughly. You can hear Harry talking to Niall over your soft moans, most likely encouraging him to jump in when he felt ready. You were soon out of your constricting jeans and top, just your soaked panties on when Harry snapped your bra off, his mouth quick to attach itself to your chest. Your head rolled back in pleasure as Louis got your panties off and forced his tongue inside of you, his fingers rubbing your clit. Harry got on his knees, positioning himself for you to take him in your mouth, his hand putting pressure on your head slightly as you suck him off. Lou pulled away and buck your hips, aching for him. “Niall, why don’t you feel how tight she is?” Harry kept his hand on your head so you couldn’t clearly see what was going on. You soon felt someone slam into you. It had to be Niall because you knew exactly how Lou felt. You moan out on Harry, causing him to release. You swallow it all and pull off of him quickly to see Niall thrusting deep and fast into you. You reach your high at the sight of him. Niall was definitely going to be involved more often.

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