Chapter 1 - Waning Phase

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Rain pours down on me as I walk back to my house in my muck boots. Sloughing through the thick mud, my Carhartt jacket soaked through as I finally get on the dry porch. Running my fingers through my wet hair I sigh loudly, having had to wrangle several of my chickens from underneath different shelters around the property they've used. From my stepdads old boat to a cover used for the bed of a truck. I am covered in mud and so fucking tired.

I spent the last hour and a half chasing after my chickens to make sure all of them got to the coop. Little shits didn't want to get wet.. I sigh again as I slide off my boots, turning them to let the water drain out. "I'm gonna need a fucking hot shower.." I say as I walk inside the house holding my boots.

My stepdad and mother are taking a trip to their honeymoon spot for their wedding anniversary. Leaving me an autistic adult alone to take care of almost 30 birds and a dog.. Im 26 but still, its alot of work... especially when said animals stray from there normal routine! Hell my duck Peppa decided that 6'o clock was the perfect time to go down back and make a nest in the brush.. It took so long finding her.. I didn't want any foxes or weasels to kill her.

My dog Dexter looks up at me from in front of the wood stove. "You're such a lucky lil shit Snaggle." I shake my head with a smile, placing my wet boots and jacket in front of the stove to dry.

"Mom and Daddy should be back home tomorrow night okay Snaggle Waggle?" I lean down and scratch above his nub. He snuffs at me happily and gets up off the floor to follow me to the kitchen. Knowing full well what time it is. 8 o'clock, dinner time.

Getting him some dog food I put it in his bowl and set it down for him to eat. I stretch and begin to take my clothes off as I head towards the bathroom, plopping the soaking wet clothes into the hamper. I eagerly turn on the water and wait for it to warm, then I get in and sigh. Feeling the liquid heat up my chilled bones.

Often when I'm in the shower, my brain goes off on adventures while my body does other things.. This happens often when I'm playing games and listening to music.. This time I'm thinking about the Volturi from Twilight, how they would react to me if I appeared before them.. Damn, I've been reading too much soulmate fanfiction lately Jesus..


Quickly finishing up I get out and dry off, quickly putting my dry clothes on. Now that I'm all clean I walk to the kitchen to get something to eat. Then I'm going to read some fanfiction and go to bed.  Just as in about to get myself some food out of the freezer to warm up, the power goes out plunging me in darkness.

Groaning loudly towards the roof I look into the darkness unimpressed. "Mother nature you fuckin bitch... just as I was about to get some pizza rolls.."

Sighing once more I grab my phone out of my pocket and turn on the flashlight. I quickly grab some chips from the cupboard and walk to my mom's room for some books to read.. Since I have no service here and therefore no Data I'm stuck entertaining myself with physical literature instead of fanfiction.. I was a moron and didn't charge my switch after I played Pokemon all day.

Looking at my moms shelf I grimace at all the true crime books. Jeez.. She's really morbid.. Noticing the Twilight novels my eyebrows raise. "Hmph.. been a while since I've seen the movies.. and I never got a chance to read the books.." Grabbing the first book I turn back around and head to my room with a shrug. Something to keep me occupied.

Flopping onto my bed I open my chips, grabbing some chopsticks I use them to eat the chips while I begin to read. My phone providing just enough light so I may make out the words.

An hour later I begin to get drowsy, just as the storm kicks up a notch. Nodding to myself I mark my page and set the book down. Turning my phone off I slide my night guard into my mouth, putting my glasses on my nightstand.

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