Chapter 10 - Expansion ⛏️

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Opening my eyes slowly I groan loudly as I stretch out like a cat. Feeling my bones pop as I stretch, I sigh out in relief before I hop out of bed. Hearing some noises downstairs that doesn't sound like the kitchen, I zoom towards them and find Jasper and Emmett in the basement. Cracking the basement's cement open, revealing a beautiful wooden hallway..

"Holy shit.." I say as I look at them.

"Hey darlin." Jasper turns with a smile, wiping his hands free of the dust. "Just finished the basic structure inside, all the walls are put in and insulated."

"You guys worked all night?" I say with wide eyes, envying there ability of being permanent night owls.

"Yup, I'm gonna work on making your bed frame today."

"Is there anything I can do..?" If not I'm gonna go back to the Dwarven Smial and continue the expansion.. maybe spend some time with Jake the dog HAH.

"Nope, we got it all covered.. I've even charged your iPod and added some money to the account, I bet your gonna want to go to the cave today right?"

"Is Squidward snitching on me?" I squint at Jasper and he chuckles.

"No, I've just gotten a feel for how you act. You dislike sitting still, you like to keep your hands busy."

"Damn, you right." I nod with a smirk. "I'm actually gonna work on the cave today.. I'm actually thinking about making it a place for the pack to chill if they can't go home for whatever reason.. When and if I move out of it." More than likely I'm gonna be a Veggie Vamp.. sigh.

"That's awfully kind of you, going through all that hard work." I shrug my shoulders with indifference.

"Anywhomst. I'm gonna get dressed and go see Jake, I'm gonna kidnap him and make him help me." Jasper snickers softly with a smile.

"Alright.. I'll stop by later with an animal. I only found a bear to drain, since it's already winter it tasted funky.. it lost alot of body mass so i just left it there."

"Hmph.. I see your logic. If you catch anything bring it my way, I love takeout." I snicker softly before giving him a nod goodbye and zooming up to get dressed.

- Hours Later -

After abducting Jake from his house I am nod standing in my cave with a pickaxe. Clobbering the walls with it, Jake is helping by making room for me.

Having carved out a large circular room with a stone pillar in its center with a stone table molded within it. I begin to dig out my bedroom first.

Wiping the sweat from my brow, I sigh as I use the force to move the debris. "Looking great Lex." Jake comments as he takes in the room I'm working on.

"Thanks Jake. I'm about to carve out a spot for a bed." I heave the pick on my shoulder, just as someone knocks on the door. Jake jogs out of the room and opens it to Jasper holding a dead mountain lion on his back.

Walking out of my new room to the door, pickaxe in hand my eyes widen as I spot Jasper. "Oh hey Jasper! Come on in, leave the body outside." I beckon him inside and he smiles and nods dropping it by the door outside.

"Thank you." He comes inside and looks around with curiosity brimming in his eyes. Seeing what ige done in a few short hours. "What's with the pickaxe?" He nods his head towards me.

"Renovation." I smile at him and beckon him further in, showing off my stone table I meticulously carved. "I'm now making an ACTUAL bedroom with a bed instead of my sleeping bag. Already did the sitting room/dining room."

"Need any help darlin?" He offers with a smile.

"Nah I've got it with my telekinesis bizz and Jake. I just gotta grind the rocks down so they're small and put em in the river later.. Anyways what brings you to these neck of the woods, other than my dinner of course." i say with a smirk.

Jasper chuckles softly and sits down on a my sitting rock. "Can't I just spend the day with my mate?"

"Mate?" Jake finally speaks and scowls at Jasper.

"Yes, Alexis is my mate." He says with a clear tone, nodding his head. Seeing Jake clench his fists I walk up to him and give him a fight hug.

"Calm down Jake, he couldn't control it. Just like you couldn't control imprinting on me."

"But your a kid! Well, in a kids body!"

"Me and Jazz have already talked about that. Nothing sexual at all until my body is of age, plus I have to initiate." I step back and away from him and he relaxes with a sigh.


"I know you're just trying to protect me Jake, i appreciate it." He nods to me with a small smile.

"Anyway, back to what you said. You're more than welcome here Jazz."

Jasper smiles brightly at me. "You got any more stuff to do this winter?"

"Pfft, do I? Yeah. I have to manage to make sure the doors stay sealed with a pinetar moose poop resin, so the heat doesn't get out.. Plus I gotta finish up the construction... Once spring hits I'm fucked, I have to replenish my food stores."

"Darlin, you don't need to worry about running out of food okay? If you're ever hungry Esme is more than willing to cook. Shes even excited to be able to use the kitchen. And I'm more than able to help you with anything you need. So is Jacob I reckon."

"Mmph, just ask and I'll help."

"All you gotta do is say the word Darlin." I smile up at Jasper gratefully, turning to smile at Jake too.

"Welp, I best get to the lion before I forget. It's a bitch dealing with rigor." Holding my hand out, the door swings open and I walk outside with my knife and a bucket of warm water I keep by the fire.

Quickly slicing open the lion I pull out all the guts and run it far away before coming back. Flicking my wrist the doors open again, I hold my hand up and pick up the Lion with the force. Walking it inside I plop it down on the floor.

Jacob and Jasper watch as I make quick work of skinning the carcass and slicing the beast up. Making different cuts of meat and separating them into different containers.  I grab some food chunks and set them down near the fire.

"You getting hungry Jake?" I look up at him as I grab all the bones together. Burying them into the hot coals of the fire to cook the bone marrow.

"Kind of.." he holds a hand to his stomach with a sheepish look.

"Oki doki." I smile and grab a rock I carved to be in a skillet like form. Plopping it down in the coals I turn around and grab a small jar of bear fat from my stores. Waiting for the stone to heat up.

"You don't have any pans?" Jasper says with a questioning look.

"Why would I need pans when I have perfectly good rocks? They add to the flavor." I shrug as I grab a droplet of water and splash it in the rock. It sizzles and evaporates. Nodding I drop of good nob of tallow into the stone.

Moving my hand in weird directions, herbs are flung from my shelves into my hand. I add them to the loin I'm going to cook, smearing them onto the flesh before dropping it in.

Grabbing my moose antler spatula, I make sure it doesn't stick and allow it to cook. Jake sniffs the air eagerly as he stares at the meat.

"Sadly, I don't have any veggies or anything else to give you.." I turn at him and shrug with a frown.

"It's fine Lex, it's smells heavenly. I've never had Mountain lion before. They don't come close to La Push or Forks." I nod to him and continue to cook it as Jasper gets up and takes a look around.

After a few mins I grab the steak off the stone and plop it onto another flat stone. Handing Jake an antler fork and knife to use. He smirks at me and blows on it to cool it before digging in with a groan. "Fuck this is good.." I smile proudly at him.

"I'm glad you like it!" I get back up and move to get back to work.

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