Chapter 30 - One woman army

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- Next Day -

Sitting in my throne I sigh out of boredom as we wait for an urgent appointment to arrive.

Our secretary opens the door and leads in a man who has wide red eyes. He stands before us, kneeling down with his head held low. "I apologize my kings and queen for the sudden meeting, I have grave news I must share." Aro rises from his seat and walks over to the man who offers his hand.

Taking it in hand he reads his mind, gasping at what he sees. "Thank you for bringing this to our attention." Aro says to the man, turning to look at us. "We shall take it from here, you are dismissed." The man nods his head, leaving just as fast as he came.

"What is it brother?" Marcus asks with a raised brow, not liking the grim look on Aro's face.

"It seems.. an army's of over fifty newborns on both sides are going to war.." Aro looks to me with a grimace. "They are focused on the north eastern portion of America.. fighting deep within the green mountains.."

I growl deeply at this, rising from my throne. Caius looks at me with a brow raised. "Oh hoh.. How fucking dare they." I clench my fist, feeling Cheshire hiss and claw at my mental walls. I offer Aro my hand and he gladly accepts. I'm gonna gather the troops and decimate these fuckers. Nobody fucks with my home state. This body may have been born in Washington, but I am a goddamn Vermonster at heart.

He looks at me in alarm. "No, no no no! I do not want you anywhere near Vermont. Let us handle this!"

"No! You are not going!" Caius stands from his throne a look of worry on his face. Marcus joins his brother nodding in agreement. Jasper and Jacob who are guarding by my throne step forward and nod.

"No way in hell Darlin. You are staying right here where it's safe." Jasper growls out.

"ENOUGH!" My voice booms out snapping all of their attention on me. "I am going, you can either come with me or not. Nothing any of you can do will stop me. I have been training extensively with Felix and the guard, I am prepared for this. Let me be your one woman army."

I hold Aro's hand again, he concentrates and sees all the times I've trained. Slowly mastering harmonizing my Spirit warrior form and my vampiric gifts. "I.. I see.. If you are so set on going.. Than we shall accompany you." I nod my head to him. Caius and Jasper try to object, I glare at the both of them. Fire flickering in my eyes.. they relent. Jacob looks at me with wide eyes.

"Whipped.." he whispers softly with a smirk.

"Alright then... Jane, be a dear and get the queen and her Wolf packed? I shall handle the transportation." Jane nods her head and quickly leaves the room.

"I'll handle which of the guards we are taking, the Major can help me." Caius says as he looks to Jasper, who nods in agreement. Both of them having experience with newborns and warfare.

- Northern Vermont - Mount Mansfield -

Demetri has finally tracked where the battle is currently being waged, we stand on a mountain top overlooking the battlefield watching as newborns clash with booms. "I sense a few down there with gifts." I say feeling Eleazar's gift tingle in the back of my head. Weather manipulation, compulsion and fear projection.. Interesting.. it explains why it's so overcast.. The people living nearby will think its a thunderstorm.

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