Chapter 21 - Caius' date 🎨

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Slowly my eyes open and I stretch my arms above my head. Yawning loudly as I do, I snuggle back into the comfy fur.. then I feel a breeze. Grumbling I reach out for a blanket, one is put in my hand, I cover myself.

"Darlin..?" Jasper says softly I look over to him then down. I'm naked. Jasper grabs the blanket and makes sure I'm covered.

"That.. was so weird.." Hearing my voice, Jacob slowly wakes up. Looking down to me he notices I'm back to normal and licks my face eagerly. I giggle softly and fall back as he gets up still licking my face.. slowly turning human the licks turn into a passionate kiss. I moan softly against his lips, he pulls away looking down at me. Thank fuck I'm 14 body wise... I wonder why I'm growing faster than Rengoku?

"I'm so glad you're okay." I look down at Jakes face and blush a bright red when my eyes land on his hard cock hanging between his legs.

Jasper clears his throat and tosses a blanket over Jacob covering him. Jacob blushes when he realizes that I saw and quickly gets up. Rushing over to the bathroom, I look at him in confusion... He's jacking off in the bathroom isn't he..? Or a cold shower.

"I'm glad you're you again darlin.. We're gonna have to have Jacob teach you how to shift into your other form easily and fight as a cat." I nod slowly as the blanket falls from my shoulders my eyes widen and I try to correct but Jaspers seen my smol boobs.

He clears his throat again, avoiding looking at me. "There's ah.. clothes for you on the bed.. Since Jacobs in the bathroom... I'll guard you while you change." I nod slowly and get up off the floor, he grabs another blanket and holds it up. Looking down to the floor so I can change into something comfortable.


Eating my breakfast with Jacob, he's been blushing non stop the entire time. "Why're you so blushy Jake?" I bite into my pancakes.

"Uhm... A thing with wolves.. we share all our memories with our pack if it involves ourselves. I uh.. saw one.. of you in your past life.. masturbating with my name on your lips.." He takes another bite of his food, avoiding looking at me. His blush not leaving his face, only intensifying.

"Fuck mee.." I whine out putting my face into my hands. "First Aro now you?!" I groan out in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry- I had no control-" Jacob says with a sad frown.

"It's fine Jake." I look up at him with a blush of my own. Jasper sits at the table sipping on a goblet filled with a serial killers blood, his eyes watching us like a tennis match. "I give you permission to submit it to the spank bank archives." I nod to him, he chokes on his pancakes taken by surprise.

"What?!" He looks at me with wide eyes.

"Well, until I'm biologically older I don't feel comfortable with sex. Until then feel free to Jack off- actually.." I get up from the table and scurry over to my closet. Finding the large box of stuff I hid, I rummage inside and yell "AHA!" Running back out I hold a fleshlight and a bottle of lube in hand.

"Until I'm of age, you my good man may have this." I hand them over and he sputters out.

"Alexis- I can't-" He holds the toy in his hand cautiously.

"Jake." I look him in the eyes. "All I ask is to be able to watch while you do it. I'm 28 mentally and I'm so fucking mentally horny it's driving me insane. I haven't gone almost two years without masturbating before. The longest was a fucking month. Please." I beg him Jasper smirks at this, watching Jacobs reaction.

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