Chapter 31 - 🔞 Didney land! 🍋

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Daddy Aro's time to shine 😤

- Volterra Italy - One Week Later -

Aro is hard at work as he plans a surprise for his mate. Having been keeping a keen eye on the weather forecast for the region the park is located. Wanting to surprise his mate with a trip to Disneyland, knowing she has always wanted to go.. But her family never had the funds.

Aro plans on spoiling her rotten once they get there. Buying her everything she wants, letting her ride as many rides as she craves. Anything for his darling Alexis..

Now it is the perfect time, the weather in Florida is going to be perfectly overcast. He has had Jane prepare her suitcases for travel while his mate trains with Benjamin on her computer.

Everything is set, the jet is ready to go. His brothers will handle any problems while he's away.. He has told all of them his plan over a week ago. They all agreed that she would love it, letting Aro have some time alone with her considering he is always busy.. Jasper and Jacob getting the most time with her.

Aro begins to fiddle with his fingers as he hears his mate approach her bedroom. Now or never Aro.

- Alexis POV -

Walking to my room, with a spring in my step. My laptop being held under my arm, having just finished another training day with Benjamin.

Opening my door expecting to see Jake or Jasper.. I'm greeted to Aro? "Oh, hey Aro." I say with a smile as I walk into my room.

His eyes glint with glee as he sees me. "Hello mio tesoro una (my darling one)." Aro says with a smile. "I have a surprise for you." Aro says with a smirk growing on his face.

"What? Aro you didn't have to get me anything." I say with a smile as I set down my laptop.

He waves me off. "Oh pish posh, you are my love. I will spoil you how I see fit.. Now, come along we have a jet waiting for us." Aro offers me his arm, his smirk turning mischievous.

"Aro.. you know I hate surprises." I squint at him as I take his arm, he leads me quickly to the underground garage.

Aro opens the backseat door for me allowing me to slide in first. I look forward and see Felix driving the car, smirking at me. Aro soon joins me on the other side. "Yes, I know.. I just couldn't help myself darling.. forgive me?" He gives me puppy dog eyes and I relent.

"Fine.." I say with a huff, he smiles wide at me as Felix begins to drive us to the private air strip.

- Florida -

Stepping out of the jet I'm hit by a muggy heat, making my nose scrunch up. I look up and notice that it's overcast, I sigh. Thankful that it is.. But I still use my new ability to keep it that way. Don't want good weather to ruin the trip.. whatever and wherever it is.

"Come along dear, put this on please." Aro guides me to a new car, I sit inside and he hands me a blindfold. Rolling my eyes playfully I slide it on.

"Didn't know you were kinky Aro." Aro chuckles deeply, leaning close.

"You have no idea." His voice sends shivers down my spine.-

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