Chapter 26 - Yass Queen slay 💅🏻

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- Halloween - Alexis POV -

Standing in my room alone I use my gift to help with putting on my costume. Having done my hair around the headdress, I adjust the cups of my copper bra. Nodding to myself in agreement that it's in place, I move onto doing my makeup. Following along with my memory to make myself look just like Akasha.

Standing back I look at myself and smile, turning around so I get a good look. "Damn I look like a snack." I say with a smirk, staring at my ass biting my lip. Hope you like what you see Aro. A knock comes to the door, alerting me that it's time for my grand entrance.

Grabbing the Volturi cloak I stole from Aro's closet, I wrap it around my body to hide my costume. Walking to the door I open it to see Jane dressed as Alice from Alice in wonderland. Alec standing beside her as the white rabbit. "Jane! Lovely costume, this dress looks amazing."

Jane smiles at me and twirls so I can get a look. "Thank you my queen, it is time for your entrance." She says and I nod my head.

"Make sure nobody's near the doors okay?" She nods her head and zooms off.

- Third Person POV -

Aro sits in his throne, overlooking the party. Dressed in his finest Victorian clothing with fake vampire teeth in his mouth. He looks to his brother Caius who's dressed in a shredded yellow rain jacket covered in faux blood. His arm painted to be red and bloody. He's Georgie from the IT series.

Marcus sits in his throne with his legs spread wide, wearing tight leather pants and a loose white tunic. His hair painted white with 'Manic Panic' as Jane called it. Even wearing yellow feline contacts. Two of Caius' swords are perched near his throne to complete his look. Aro insisted on the costume, saying it would please their mate greatly.

Jasper is talking with his family in full Cowboy regalia, wearing a ten gallon hat. Leather assless chaps and a pair of jeans show off his ass. A leather vest wrapped around his shoulders.. His boots even have the jangling spurrs.

Jacob is standing nearby talking to Bella dressed as a Sally, and Edward as Jack.. Jacob is dressed as a werewolf, with fake fur glued to his skin and a prosthetic dog nose on his face... Alexis even made him get fake wolf claws be put onto his nails.

Jane enters the room and makes sure everyone is away from the large door. "She is ready master, awaiting your announcement." Jane says from across the room.

Aro nods his head to her and stands from his throne, everyone in the room quiets down looking to him. "Friends, Subjects and beloved coven members.. It is an honor to have you all here for this momentous day... Today is a glorious day for the Volturi coven- Nay Vampire kind.. Myself and my brothers have found our true mate." Everyone in the room whispers to one another in shock. "Today she shall be revealed to the world and crowned Queen.. May I introduce to you.. Queen Alexis Volturi!" Aro gestures to the large door, everyone turns and looks.

The large wooden doors slam open smacking against the stone walls startling some of the more skittish vampires. A cloaked figure stands in the entry way, fog from a machine pouring through the floor.. She glides just above the fog to the dais, floating above the three kings. Grabbing the cloak she flings it off, throwing it to Felix and Demetri who catch it. Both dressed as Tweedle Dum and Dee.

All of her mates pupils dilate at the sight of her. Caius groans out a fierce growl and bites his fist hard, nearly shattering it as he stares at her body. Marcus growls softly as he looks at her. Aro gasps softly at her form, eyes greedily taking her in. Jacob swallows the spit in his mouth.. Jasper.. well Jasper isn't here right now, The Major watches her intently. Licking his lips, remembering her taste on his tongue.

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