Chapter 29 - 🔞 Note to self: don't write when horny🍋

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Standing in the middle of the training room in my Bobcat form I decided to name Cheshire.. I stare at at the target before me, bursting off into a sprint I focus on my rage. Pouring fire from my coat of fur, I'm covered in flames as I run. Looking like a ball of flames I jump in the air with a hiss, I focus the fire onto my claws and slash the target clean in two. Leaving a large burning gash in the cloth.

Felix claps his hands with a grin, staring at me in awe. Demetri just stares at me with his jaw dropped.

I trot over to them with a feline smirk, wiggling my eyebrows playfully. "I.. how.. you..." Demetri stutters out as I sit down on my back legs.

"You just thought of this today?" Felix says with an impressed look on his face. I nod my head to him, he nods back stroking his chin. "I believe if you were trained correctly.. you could be a one woman army that could rival an army of newborns." He says honestly as he looks me over. "Especially since Aro ordered all of the gifted guard to give you their powers.."

I nod to him and grab my robe from Demetri's hands using my force. Wrapping it around my feline body, I shift back into my human form. Cracking my neck with a satisfied grunt. "Having a physical shield is nice.. But I don't feel comfortable using the bond adjuster one.. it feels wrong.."

Felix nods his head with a grimace. "Yes, I can understand why you would feel that way.. You need not worry about our allegiances should the gift stop working. We were loyal to the Volturi even before she used her gift.. Aro being paranoid, thought it would be best, giving him an assurance that we wouldn't rebel." I nod to him and sigh softly, tightening the string around my robe.

"Where too now my queen?" Demetri says as he looks to me, noticing that I'm done training for the day.

"Hmm.. what are the kings doing?" I ask with a tilt of my head.

"Aro is busy with a search for a vampire with a specific gift.. Marcus is doing paperwork and Caius is relaxing today." Demetri states as I begin to exit the training room. I nod my head to him.

"Okay, can you take me to Caius?" I ask with an eyebrow raise, Demetri simply bows his head and we zoom off to the kings wing.


Caius is sitting in his leather armchair with a goblet of blood watching as the fireplace burns. Wearing only leather pants he hears approaching footsteps, looking away from the fire he watches as his mate walks in. His eyes lighting up when he sees she's wearing her robe.

"Hello gattina (kitten).." Caius says with a smirk, hearing my heart rate increase at the sight of his state of undress.

"H-hi.." I play with my fingers as I stand near the closed door. Haha.. I'm in danger!

"Why don't you come sit down darling, get comfortable.." I nod to him and walk over, moving to sit across from him. "No darling.." He pats his vacant lap with an eyebrow raise. I blush lightly and move to sit on his lap, he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me close to him. Nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck, inhaling in my scent greedily. "You smell delicious... May I..?" Caius plays with the rope holding my robe closed, I nod to him allowing him to pull it loose.

The sides of the robe fall away revealing my bare body to him, he purrs deeply in satisfaction. "You look ravishing.." Caius nips at my neck as he stares down at my body. "May I touch you Gattina?" I nod my head, he sets down his goblet and moves his arms to play with my breasts.

I bite my lip as he tweaks and plays with my nipples, smirking as I wiggle in his arms. Rubbing my bare pussy against his thigh, he looks down an sees this. "Do you wish to continue Gattina? Truth be told, I'm not the most gentle lover. But I have always left my partners more than satisfied.. Do you have a safe word?" He reaches up and grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him.

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