Chapter 9 - It's hotter in stories

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- Jaspers Room -

Plopping my ass on his bed, I look at the nervous looking vampire as he plays with his fingers. Trying his hardest not to look at me. The hells got his knickers in a twist? Did he murder something? He's a veggie vamp.. so.. "Did you kill a puppy or something?" I raise a brow at him, his gaze snaps to my eyes. Swallowing the venom in his mouth he sits down next to me and sighs, trying to find the right words. Rubbing his palms against his pants.

"I.. uhm.... All beings have different types of bonds... A sibling, parent or lover.. but there's another.. the mate bond.." Oh you have got to be kitten me right meow. I stare at him with a look of constipation. Please tell me he's not mated to me.. That shits only hot in fanfics! Having a predestined mate, someone I don't know personally who's supposed to be my other half is bunk! Fuck man, this stresses me out.

Jasper stops talking for a moment, listening to the snitch downstairs then he looks at me, his back stiffens as he sits straight. Almost acting like a different person. "A mate bond is your other half of your soul. You're our mate." God.. WHY?! I MEAN IT'S HOT IN BOOKS BUT REAL LIFE?!? Jasper senses my distress and panic and concentrates hard, pushing calming waves over my emotions. I sigh out in relief.

"Thank you.. Uhm.. I thought Alice was your mate..?" That's what they made it seem like in the books and movies.

"No, we were only fulfilling carnal desires with one another until either one of us found our mate.. No emotional attachments." He states clearly and straight to the point.

"Fuck.. How is this gonna work then?" I look at him in confusion. I'm literally stuck as a toddler for the next coming years. How could Refrigerator grow so fast?

"Obviously, we won't do anything within the sexual nature until your body has reached maturity. Even after that we would want you to initiate the first encounter." He nods his head towards me.

"O-okay.. What about Jake?" He's in protector bro mode right now, there's no doubt in my mind that I'm gonna wanna jump his doggy bones when my body ages. All the hornyness I've been spouting is just my personality, I shiver at how I'm gonna be during puberty. Around 13 is when I first experienced my sexual awakening.. awkwardly enough with a vampire queen from the queen of the damned movie.. Hot diggity she could suck me dry like a Capri sun and I would thank her and ask her to do it again. I was so sad when she died.

"We.." Jasper grits his jaw as he avoids my gaze. "We will respect your decision on the matter. If you wish to view him in a more lover form of gaze, we will not contest."

"Why are you acting different?" I squint at him, taking him in. Something sort of.. switched?

"Due to the trauma Jasper experienced during the southern vampire wars, his mind created another persona. Myself the Major, Jasper was feeling stressed so I took over the explanation... I apologize if this stresses you." He bows his head towards me. Should have noticed with the deeper voice. He screams sex appeal.

"Oh that doesn't bother me at all." Waving him off, The Major sighs with a smile and nods to me.

"That is good. Jasper is going to take over now, it was a pleasure meeting you little girl." He growls playfully with a smirk before Jaspers gaze unfocused for a moment, as if he's dissociating and his body relaxes.

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